This demos show the features only available in the pro version of the advanced iframe. As you can see on the feature comparison chart depending on your setup not all features are always available. The following features are shown:
- "Show only a part of the iframe" if you are NOT on the same domain and you are NOT able to modify the external page
- Example 1: Show a read only part of a remote page
- Example 2: Show another read only part of the remote page of example 1
- Example 3: Use a different viewport after a user interaction
- Example 4: Jumping to a different url after an user interaction
- Example 5: Using scrollbars for a view port
- Example 39: Zoom a view port (new 7.0)
- Example 40: Zoom a view port which also enlarges (new 7.0)
- Example 41: Zoom a view port and “Hide a part of the iframe” (new 7.0)
- Example 43: Zoom a view port with loading indicator, scrollbars and ios scrolling support (new 7.0.4)
- Example 55: Show different view ports with media queries
- Using the external workaround on an external domain IF you are able to modify the external page. Than you are able to use the auto-height feature also available in the free version but also you are able to use the features of "Modify the content of the iframe if the iframe page is on the same domain"
- External workaround: Post communication and include external content The newer way that the iframe communicates with the parent + new features that are possible now:
- Set the height with media queries
- "Hide a part of the iframe" where you can place divs over an iframe to hide elements
- Example 8: Hide some areas of the remote page
- Example 9: Place your own logo on a remote page
- Example 21: Make an iframe read only
- Example 44: Include external html with shortcode and right/bottom alignment (New 7.1)
- Example 45: Hide a footer (New 7.1)
- Example 50: Using media queries to make the divs responsive (New 7.3)
- Change links/form targets on the parent and on the iframe page
- Show the iframe as layer/popup
- Example 34: Change link targets and show the iframe as layer
- Example 37: Change link targets and show the iframe as layer with additional header (new 7.0)
- Example 38: Change link targets and show the iframe as 100% layer with additional footer (new 7.0)
- Example 54: Change link targets and show the iframe in the original size with additional footer
- Example 58: Auto open layer/popup
- Advanced height features with headers and "fullscreen" iframes
- Example with a fixed header
- Example with dynamic elements
- Fullscreen button on iframe
- Browser detection: Show browser specific iframes
- Zoom: Zoom the content of the iframe
- Auto zoom: Auto zoom the content of the iframe
- Auto height of hidden iframes: Use iframes in hidden divs - e.g. on tabs
- Responsive iframes
- Responsive videos
- Lazy loading
- Resize on element resize
- Add iframe url as param
- Example 32: Add the url on the same domain
- Example 33: Add the url on the remote domain
- Example 56: Add iframe url as param: Same domain with hash
- Example 57: Add iframe url as param remote domain with hash + url rewrite
- New 2021: Example 59: Add iframe params to parent: Same domain
- New 2021: Example 60: Add iframe params to parent: Remote domain
- Widgets: use iframes in the widget area
- Scrolling iframes on ipad and iphone (New 7.0)
- URL features
- Wrapped auto height
- Iframe cookie support
- Share content from your domain
- Integrate iframe sizer script
- iFrame anchor support
Have fun using Advanced iFrame Pro,