Support for the advanced iframe plugin beyond the included support of the pro version
If you are a pro user can you can contact me directly in the right section here:
Please also check here what the included support covers and what is not covered:
If this is not enough
The advanced options do modify the styles of the parent page, the iframe, do some Javascript magic when the iframe is loaded or include content directly to your page. Understanding this is not basic WordPress knowhow and therefore you can get help here if you want. I do offer paid support for this plugin.
What do you get?
- Check if you can include the content the way YOU like.
- Fast and reliable setup of what you want.
- You only pay if it works!
What do you have to provide?
- Provide a detailed description how the setup should look like. The better the description that faster we can start.
- Provide the domains where the parent and the iframe page is located. If they are on the same domain you can use all of the advanced options. If not make sure that changes in the iframe are only possible if you have access to the iframe page or you have your own server where we can do some server configuration settings!
- You maybe want some features that are not included in the plugin but are possible to do. I can then make a custom version for you.
What does it cost?
Every system is different and every setup is different. So there is no fixed number in advance. Most setups are between 30€ and 50€. After getting all the information from you I will send you a price and you can then decide if you want to do it. So there is no risk for you in advance. If you need/want a custom version which requires some additional planing, coding and testing you will also get a fixed price for this.
How do you start?
Send an e-mail to tinywebgallery (at) mdempfle (dot) de and provide the required information. You normally will get an answer from me in the next 48 hours.
Have fun using the advanced iframe plugin,
Michael Dempfle