Migrate advanced iframe free to advanced iframe pro

Since version 2025.0 advanced iframe supports auto-updates also for the new pro version.

To make this work the free and the new pro version need to be in different folders:

  • free / codecanyon pro: plugins/advanced-iframe
  • new pro: plugins/advanced-iframe-pro

If you migrate from free to the new pro version there are 2 changes you have to do if you use this feature.

External workaround

If you use the external workaround you need to change the location of ai_external.js in the external pages.

  • from ../plugins/advanced-iframe/js/ai_external.js
  • to ../plugins/advanced-iframe-pro/js/ai_external.js

If you cannot quickly do this for many installations or it is hard for you to change this you can do the following workaround:

  1. Create the folder plugins/advanced-iframe/js manually
  2. Copy the file ai_external.js from /plugins/advanced-iframe-pro/js/ to this folder
  3. Then you have time to change the path without any time pressure. Please note that every time you same something in the administration where you see the small save icon you need to update ai_external.js

Fullscreen button on iframe

For users which migrate from codecanyon you have the feature “Fullscreen button on iframe”. During the first installation the file hide_fullscreen.html was created in the folder advanced-iframe-custom. This file is NOT updated anymore once created because the ideas is that you can modify this to your need and it should not be overwritten. If you you this feature please change in the last 2 lines the path from  “advanced-iframe” to “advanced-iframe-pro” and save the file again.

If you use version 2025.1 (coming very soon!) and you have not modified this file you can simply delete it and it will be recreated if you enter the advanced iframe administration. There a placeholder is implemented, that handles this change automatically.


Version 2025.0 will also be released on CodeCanyon. This will be the last version that will be released there. If you have no migrated to freemius then you do NOT have to do the 2 changes.

If you migrate from CodeCanyon to freemius you have to do the 2 changes described above.

Please note that the CodeCanyon version is NOT supporting auto-update and does not have flexible licenses!


If you need any support during migration simply contact the advanced iframe team.

Best regards, Michael