TWG 2.4.9 is available
TWG 2.4.9 is available which fixes a Javascript error which was visible in the console. Get the latest version or the patch here: Have fun using TWG, Michael
TWG 2.4.9 is available which fixes a Javascript error which was visible in the console. Get the latest version or the patch here: Have fun using TWG, Michael
TWG 2.4.8 is available which only fixes one bug in the image counters! In 2.4.7 this was broken and leads to the problem that each counter was not updated but added to the file! So each call was increasing the counter file! Please update and go to the xml folder and delete all *_image_counter.xml files. … [Read more…]
Hi, a question which is asked again and again is how to hide a header and a footer. I have added a FAQ in the forum for this: Have fun using advanced iframe, Best, Michael
The new version has a really new cool feature: You can now calculate the height of the iframe dynamically based on the elements before and after. So you can make a full screen iframe with a custom header or footer which have no fixed height but change dynamically based on the browser size. Checkout the … [Read more…]
This are the main new features of version 2020: New administration design The iframe checker was rewritten to work in parallel. So you can even test 1000 urls at once! The iframe checker does check also normal iframes! Not only advanced iframes! So you can now use advanced iframe pro to monitor ALL your iframes. … [Read more…]
Version 3.0 of the iframe checker does now also check the CSP header for frame-ancestors Free iframe checker v3.0 Have fun with the new version, Best, Michael
This release has some small bugfixes. Please see here: Advanced iFrame history Please not that I have also added a custom spam filter! I will not allow any post with blacklisted words! before the word where only removed. Now I don’t allow the posts at all anymore. Best, Michael
Advanced iframe 7.6 is available now in the pro and the free version! A lot of improvements made it to this release. See here for details: The most interesting thing is the cookie support inside the iframe! I have included all known solutions for this. Also the standalone version was optimized and does now … [Read more…]
One of the most asked questions is how to resize the iframe to the content of the external page. It is sometimes confusing which of the features you have to use to achieve this. There is only a solution possible for the same domain and for an external domain using the external workaround wher eyou … [Read more…]
The big new feature of Advanced iFrame Pro 5.6 is now already available for testing: AIP does now support a enhanced version of the safari cookie fix from If you need cookies inside your iframe and you want that this works also on Safari and browser with stronger cookie settings you should already checkout … [Read more…]