Hello I have a license and I tried to add this site on an iframe: https://us.cloudlogin.co/login/ and it shows the login page, but when I try to log in it just refreshes and does nothing
is there any workaround to fix this? I'm using this iframe to give step instructions on a sidebar, so it's easier for the user to follow instructions while they do them on the iframe
THank you for any help you can give me
from where do you include this.
Please see here: https://www.tinywebgallery.com/blog/advanced-iframe/free-iframe-checker
Header X-Frame-Options found.
The header is set to SAMEORIGIN.
Any messages in the browser console? (F12)
Best regards, Michael
You can customize EAA Login Portal with features such as a custom login page with an out-of-band password reset functionality or others that EAA does not support. For these customizations enable iFrame embedding and provide a list of allowed URLs as tags in the identity provider (IdP) advanced settings.
Log in to Enterprise Center.
In the Enterprise Center navigation menu, select Application Access > Identity & Users > Identity Providers.
Select the identity provider that you want to configure.
In Settings > Advanced select Allow IFRAME embedding to embed this Login Portal in an iFrame.