hi,I'm using "show_part_of_iframe_next_viewports"="50,100,500,600;10,40,200,400" . is it possible to use hide_part_of_iframe only on my last page? which in this case is "10,40,200,400"
Note: I am using the standalone version
Please see my other comment. the different steps are done with the onload event as the page in the iframe and the parent do not know anything about each other by default.
If you are able to use the external workaround much more magic can be done. Are you able to do this?
Best regards,
Was the comment posted on the other account? is showing that I have been banned "You have been banned. Please contact the forum administrator for more information." So I created this account and asked again
I got it using the external workaround thanks for giving the right direction!
o.k. The forum has spam protection automatically. So if I should unban an account please tell me the name you used.
Best regards, Michael