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External iframe on different domain

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i have a form hosted on different domain but I have control of the code for that.

The parent page where I want to include iframe of the external form link (e.g.

Can you please point out to the simple example of yours which I can use to achieve. The documentation is very extensive and I have tried lot many things but not getting to the point that fulfills my requirement.

I had recently purchased the paid version and want to just use the standalone code (just html and js/css) and not wordpress

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What features do you like to use? 

The standalone version is shown here:

Still it is important which features you like to use as the include outside WordPress is one thing. Configuring then the features another.

Best regards, Michael


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hi , thanks for sharing the link , i am trying to understand the readme file that came along with the code. I want to achieve

Auto height using the external workaround

Here is my parent page -

which in turn is opening external page in an iframe from -


In the standalone-example.php it includes following two files

$ai_settings_file = 'standalone-advanced-iframe-settings4.php';
include 'standalone-advanced-iframe.php';

I want to know which one shall we actually use out of above two files for our settings ?

Then there is one more file that is being referred - standalone-ai_external_config_4.js

So thats why I got bit confused eventually for a standalone structure to work what all files are required. Can you please just provide a simple structure something like this if possible (it will really help us implement in our current structure then) -


Parent/root Folder >>>

- standalone-example.php (our main index file which will call external iframe inside it)

Sub-folders >>>

- js folder ( standalone-ai_external_config_4.js) , standalone-ai_external.js (this will referred inside external page)

- includes folder (standalone-advanced-iframe.php)



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I have achieved this so far , but have one issue which I am not able to resolve -

Above loads the iframe external url but height is not exact like actual external url form as submit button is not visible. Seems the height is not exact as it shall be.


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var domain_advanced_iframe = '../';
var iframe_id="advanced_iframe";
var updateIframeHeight = "true";
var keepOverflowHidden = "true";
var hide_page_until_loaded_external = "false";
var onload_show_element_only = ""; // remove this if want to load full page ===== >>> #iframe-main
var iframe_content_id = ""; // remove this if want to load full page ===== >>> #iframe-main
var iframe_content_styles = "float:none;height:auto;color:#ff0000;";
var resize_on_element_resize = ""; // remove this if want to load full page ===== >>> #iframe-main
var resize_on_element_resize_delay = "350";

// this is used here that the example works out of the box everywhere!
// if you set this to false you need to set post_message_domain instead!
var domainMultisite = "true";
var external_scroll_top = "true";

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