Great - what is the code you use now?
And is the whole shop working properly? also including payment? Ofter callbacks are a problem here.
Best regards, Michael
I got a module for the ecommerce site that set the cookies to samesite=none; secure. All works, including payment portal.
New issue is resizing the iframe when you go to a new page. On first load the iframe is the correct height but if you click a product for example the iframe seems to remember the height of the first page and add a lot of white to the bottom. Can this be fixed? I have tried a lot of settings.
Please enable the debugging of the post messages in the administration. then we see when something is sent.
External workaround: Use postMessage for communication -> debug
Also see here:
Best regards, Michael
I have switched to the live site:
PM me for password.
I have put the PostMessage into debug mode. What next?
You can simply look by yourself in the console (Press f12) and there you see when something is happening.
Please send me the pw to my e-mail here:
Then I can take a look.
Best regards, Michael