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Joined: 4 years ago

The client has set the page to live and changed the URL to

The resize is working now but takes a long time to change on the new pages.

Scroll to top is not working, there seems to be a problem with the quote marks in the generated code:

<iframe id="advanced_iframe" name="advanced_iframe" src="" width="100%" height="600" frameborder="0" allowtransparency="true" style=";width:100%;height:600px;" onload=';aiScrollToTop(&quot;advanced_iframe&quot;,&quot;true&quot;);'></iframe>

The footer of the e-commerce site odes not show in the iframe. I have set the shortcode to resize_on_element_resize="#ai_wrapper_div".

Any ideas? Thanks for your ongoing help!

Posts: 935
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Joined: 16 years ago

What does

"The resize is working now but takes a long time to change on the new pages" mean?

You have not enabled the debugging. So I cannot see anything right now. You can change the detection interval !
-> Poll interval for the resize detection  - you can set this in the configuration. By default it is 250ms. Try a smaller value if you like.

The encoding is fine. The problem is that the ai.js is loaded at the bottom. I don't know if i have written this already. put the ai.js to the header. -> If you have an error that a Javascript function of advanced iframe (starting with ai….) is not found: Go to the Administration -> options -> Technical options -> Include ai.js in the footer. Set this to “No”.

Best regards, Michael


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