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SameSite Cookie WooCommerce

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This is probably a common issue (as I read)  but few solutions have been found...  I purchased the pro version today, but with so many features I'm not sure how to configure it....


My issue is this... I'm running a site with woocommerce and some of my products are using an iframe to allow the customer to customize a product... they can add it to the cart fine... but if they go back and add another one and wait 1-2 minutes, the first one will vanish from the cart.... the iframe is calling info from a https:// third party site...  this worked well for years, but recently the past few months stopped working well....  I can't figure out how to configure the plug-in....  I'm hosting on


Please advise, if this plug-in is for me or not ?

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Please see here:

This is a woocommerce issue. check the part: Using .htaccess to also add the settings to Ajax requests

Best regards,




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Thanks, as a novice... this is confusing, what would I put in this field? see image.

I'm on a ngix system hosted at kinsta.

Will the plugin detect my iframe pages and automatically apply updates to work? or will I need to edit each page with inserting code?


please advise.

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This are 2 different things! My plugin can only change cookies created by Wordpress page calls directly.

woocommerce does his own stuff with Ajax here. So the only thing you can do is using to rewrite cookies.

Kinsta has nginx which does not support this. So on Kinsta you cannot use this workaround. 

Best regards, Michael 

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Which host would this work on?  any solution without a plugin with any hosting service,  I can't imagine every woocommerce site has this issue that uses iframes ?

Posts: 935
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Hi. the plugin has nothing to do with it. You don't need a plugin for woocommerce. You need the cookies have the SameSite=None attribute set! 

Read this:

Currently you 1. need to change woocommerce code. or 2. Fix the cookies in a .htaccess on apache or rewrite them in nginx - Kinesta is not able to rewrite as they ton't have the needed extension installed. 


Also see here:

there we discuss the same topic: 

From Kinsta: "

I received this from Kinsta.

Thanks for letting me know about this. There was a reason why I yesterday checked with the team and that is to see if I could add that location block of code. The thing is that won’t work as we are unable to set the code as there are no nginx modules installed to support this “proxy_cookie_path” Due to this when I discussed with the team we came up with and suggestion that for this case, you could set up an CloudFlare account and put your website behind it as for your website to be proxied and have this cookie set to secure from CloudFlare settings. Hope you understand, we never want to play ping pong and toss issues around as we always try to solve and resolve anything that is possible on our end.

If we had this module installed and allowed by our system admins we would’ve already add this code for you. At the moment that is not possible and could be achieved only through CloudFlare. Hope this clears your thoughts on this.


I personally use Strato in Germany that supports .htaccess. But you should pick a local hoster ;). 


Best regards, Michael

