Language files TWG
TWG is currently available in 31 language. English, German and Spanish are already installed. To install a language simply download the language, extract if from the zip and save it to the folder 'language'. Flags and tooltips are already integrated for the languages below. Howto 8 explains how you can add a completely new language. If you want to delete a language simply delete it from the language folder. Please close the browser after adding/removing a language because this is cached. If you don't want a language selector please delete all language files exept the one you want.
The following languages are available. Please note that not all language files are translated 100%. To check if a language is fully translated, all entries in the file and all entries of the file language/language_default.php have to be included. If you can finish a translation please send the final result back to me.
Language files TWG-Administration
the administration of TWG is available in 6 languages right now. English and German are allready installed. To install a language download the language zip file, extract the files and save them to the 'admin/_lang' folder. Please note that not all language files are translated 100%. If you can finish a translation please send the final result back to me.