You can choose between 3 demos of TWG - They use all the same code and have only a different configuration and different styles.
The password for the protected folders of the demos is 'test'.
- AJAX and Flash navigation is active (check different folders) - No reload on the detail page where you view your images - everything is loaded in the background
- All features of TWG are enabled
- Thumbnail page autodetect max. number of thumbs
- Cropped thumbs are used
- Bonus features for registered users (lightbox, album explorer and TWG responsive) are enabled
- All examples can be downloaded and used as template!
- Opens in a new window
- Frontend edit in the album "USA 2005" is enabled! To login use user/password test/test. Then you are able to enter/edit captions and tags, delete comments and rotate images permanent. You will get new menu items after you log in.
- HTML Navigation is set
- left.htm, header.htm and footer.htm are used!
- Many features of TWG are disabled - only Search and Options are in the menu
- Thumbnail page has a fixed number of images
- Full thumbs are shown
- Opens in an iframe with 700px height - not in new window
- HTML SIDE Navigation is set - The thumbs are displayed left and right of the detail image
- Some features of TWG are disabled
- Cropped thumbs are shown
- Admin skin is used
- Opens in a new window
There is also a demo on where you can see the version in the download and you also can try the administration!