TinyWebGallery Installation

 Install TWG (Zip Version)

The installation is really easy:

  1. Extract the downloaded archive into a folder on the web server.
  2. Make the directory 'cache', 'counter', 'xml' and the files my_config.php, my_style.css and admin/_config/.htusers.php read and writeable (chmod 777 - less is possible) on the webserver. Check the how-to 1 for better security settings!
  3. Start TinyWebGallery with index.php - Copy your pictures into the 'pictures' folder.
    DONE! - Have fun using TWG

Please go to the configuration page now and read at least the first section.

 Install TWG (Installer Version)

If you decide to use the installer version you should have read the "Which version is the right for me?" on the download page. Normally the zip version is as easy to install.

  1. Copy the 3 files from the download package that start with 'install' to the web server into the directory where you want to install TWG.
  2. Call install.php and follow the instructions (Change the permissions of the install files to 777 if needed. Some server do now allow this - use 755 then.)
    Copy your pictures into the 'pictures' folder.
    DONE! - Have fun using TWG. If you have prolems with the installer please use the zip version.

Please go to the configuration now and read at least the first section.

 Auto Installer - Softaculous

Many web hosts like www.arvixe.com now offer the auto installer Softaculous which enables installing TWG at the click of a button. Its the simplest way to install TWG. Just fill in the details and click "Install". The whole installation process is handled by the auto installer.

Support Do you want to use Tinywebgallery but don't have the time to figure out how to get started? Do you have customizations you'd like done that you just can't figure out? I provide plenty of free help but sometimes this just isn't enough. I offer fast and professional installation and customization support for resonable prices. Save time and money by contacting me!