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TFU flash upload faq image 9. How to change the colors of the flash - professional license or above

If you have a professional license or above you can change the colors of the flash. It's not possible to change everything (e.g. the colors of the buttons are defined in a theme and there you can only set 3 different ones. If you like to modify these to you need to modify the source code by yourself. Only the upload and the add files button can be styled individually) but most colors can be changed. If you have a source code license you can either change the colors by yourself but of course use this settings too. You only have to remove the body of the method MLayout.as -> resetColors. If your license does already contain TWG_SOURCE in the domain this is not needed.

Colors does always have to be in the hexadecimal format. e.g. AA00FF unless something else is described. This are the possible colors you can change:

  • c_theme - The basic theme of the flash - possible settings are "haloOrange", "haloGreen", "haloBlue". You can also set the color you like in the format "0xff00ff".
  • c_text - The basic color of all texts
  • c_text_header - The color of the header text (for popups too!)
  • c_header_bg - The background of the header
  • c_header_bg_2 - The 2.nd background of the header - makes a gradient fill from c_header_bg to c_header_bg_2.
  • c_bg - The main background
  • c_border - The color of the border
  • c_list_bg - The background of the list and the grid
  • c_list_header - The background color of the header of the grid
  • c_list_header_solid - set this to "true" if you like to have a solid list header. All gradients are fading to white because this is hardcoded in the core (new 2.8.3).
  • c_progress_text - The color of the text on the progress bar
  • c_progress_label - The color of the label left to the progress bar
  • c_progress_bar - The color of the moving part of the progress bar
  • c_progress_bar_bg - The color of the background of the progress bar
  • c_progress_bar_seperator - The color of the small seperators in the progress bar
  • c_popup_bg - The background color of popups like the login
  • c_popup_header_bg - The background of the headers of the popups
  • c_popup_header_bg_2 - The 2.nd background of the headers of the popups - makes a gradient fill from c_popup_header_bg to c_popup_header_bg_2
  • c_popup_border - The color of the border of the popups
  • c_bg_numbers - The background of the line numbers - This color is related to the backgound color but with an alpha channel - you have to find the right color e.g. with a tool that shows you the color of the background when faded.
  • c_numbers - The color of the numbers
  • c_status - The color of the status line. If not set c_text is used

    New TFU 3.0
  • c_add_bt_color - The text color of the add files button
  • c_add_bt_bg_color - The background color of the add files button
  • c_add_bt_weight - The font weight of the add files button - possible settings are "none", "bold"
  • c_add_bt_theme - The theme of the add files button - possible settings are "haloOrange", "haloGreen", "haloBlue". You can also set the color you like in the format "0xff00ff".
  • c_upload_bt_color - The text color of the upload button
  • c_upload_bt_bg_color - The background color of the upload button
  • c_upload_bt_weight - The font weight of the upload button - possible settings are "none", "bold"
  • c_upload_bt_theme - The theme of the upload button - possible settings are "haloOrange", "haloGreen", "haloBlue". You can also set the color you like in the format "0xff00ff".

    New TFU 3.2 - transparent background
  • c_bg = "FFFFFF"
    c_bg_transparent = "true"
    at the flash you need to set wmode = "transparent"

To set a color you simly add e.g. so.addVariable("c_text", "FF00FF"); to the javascript call or as a parameter to the flash. You see two examples in the source code of this page (as comments). If you don't have a professional license or above and set colors this way then all colors are set to white.

New TFU 3.1:

You can now style the messages in the status bar with simple html! If you like e.g. to make the upload_completed message in a different color and e.g. as link you nedd to use the following

<LANG><KEY>upload_completed</KEY><VALUE><![CDATA[<font color="#ff00ff"><a href='http://www.tinywebgallery.com'>Upload completed...</a></font>]]></VALUE></LANG>

Flash does not support any styles here. You can use simple html tags like <font>,<a>,<b>. All the settings have to be in ![CDATA[ ... ]]. Otherwise the xml file would be invalid if you use html tags there.

New TFU 3.2:

To set the transparent background you need to set c_bg = "FFFFFF" and c_bg_transparent = "true". Furthermore you need to set wmode = "transparent" directly at the flash as a parameter. See the tfu.htm for details. If you use JFUploader you can set wmode = "transparent" by setting "Fix overlay" in the profile to 'Yes'.


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