Progress bars for TFU/JFU/WFU

Since version 2.11 TFU has a big progress bar for registered users that have a professional license or above.

File uploader preview image

On this page you find all progress bars and animations I have created so far, how to install them and how to create your own set.

The progress bars do work for TWG, TFU, JFU and WFU.

File uploader available animations image Available animations

Name ExampleDownload
Default File uploader default animation image
Waiting File uploader waiting animation image
Dots File uploader dots animation image

File uploader Available progress bars Available progress bars

The zip does always contain 2 images. The progress bar and the background of the progress bar. Feel free to mix them the way you like or create your won one.

Name ExampleDownload
Default File uploader default progressbar front image
File uploader default progressbar back image
File uploader default progressbar download image
Blue File uploader blue progressbar front image
File uploader blue progressbar back image
File uploader blue progressbar download image
Green File uploader green progressbar front image
File uploader green progressbar back image
File uploader green progressbar download image
Grey File uploader grey progressbar front image
File uploader grey progressbar back image
File uploader grey progressbar download image
Orange File uploader orange progressbar front image
File uploader orange progressbar back image
File uploader orange progressbar download image
Red File uploader red progressbar front image
File uploader red progressbar back image
File uploader red progressbar download image

File uploader howto install progressbar image How to install a new progress bar / animation

Installing a new progress bar/animation is really simple. Just extract the images/flash to the img folder of tfu.

  • TFU -   img folder
  • JFU -   <Joomla main folder>/administrator/components/com_joomla_flash_uploader/tfu/img (since JFU 2.11: com_jfuploader)
  • WFU - <Wordpress main folder>/wp-content/plugins/wordpress-flash-uploader/tfu/img

You can also save them with a different name and set the new name in the config. This is interesting for JFU because there you can define a different set for each profile.

Feel free to modify any of the animations or images to your needs.


File uploader howto create progressbar image How to create your own progress bar / animation

Creating your own progress bar is really simple. Just create an animation in the size 300 x 60 with 30 fps or a progress bar (foreground and background) with a size of 350 x 30.

If you have created your own progress bar / animation please send it to me. I will include it to this page.