(I'll start with a howto: move your albums from one server to another and keep counter, comments and such)
I have installed twg according to the rules at location 1.
I copied cache/ counter/ xml/ and pictures/ directories to my harddisc
I installed twg according to the rules at location 2
deleted cache/ counter/ xml/ and pictures/ directories from location 2
I copied cache/ counter/ xml/ and pictures/ directories from disc to location 2
when I start twg I get a ton of errors. figured that one out:
CHmod all
files in counter/ and xml/ directories to 777
comments, counter and captions are now copied and working.
when your thumbnails go cookoo, delete all files in cache/ directory
Now you need to manually move into every page that holds thumbnails and reload untill all thumbnails are re-generated
(hm: maybe a "force thumbnails building" switch would be in order ? )
problem I can not solve:
the collages work, the thumbnails work, but the actual picture itself is a red cross ! When I click on a picture (=cross) I get a black page with another cross.
If I copy the location of the picture (/twg/image.php?twg_album= ...) into the browser, on location 2 I see:
(copy and paste does not work ):
and then a full couple of pages of blabla (un-de-coded jpg ?)
What am I missing ?
-> original
-> copy