I made some very light modification in inc/index.inc.php
first is about the folder titles css class.
It is actualy twg_bold which is shared with some other things.
I replaced it into a new twg_title at lines 46 and 843. also added into style.css
This way I can make the folder title bigger.
second small change is that I display captions under the thumbnails at line 909. Maybe this could be made optional?
<table summary='' class='thumbnails' cellpadding='2' cellspacing='1'><tr><td class='thumbnails' width=180px onMouseOver=\"this.className='twg_hoverThumbnail'\" onMouseOut=\"this.className='twg_unhoverThumbnail'\"><a href='%s?twg_album=%s&twg_show=%s%s'><img src='%s' %s /><br>%s</a></td></tr></table></td>", $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'], $album_enc, $aktimage, $twg_standalone, $src_value, $beschreibung , $beschreibung_orig);