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Lower the gallery on the page
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Author:  vaughy [ 15. Mar 2010, 11:16 ]
Post subject:  Lower the gallery on the page

Hi I have only just found your website and I think your product is great I am trying out a few things before I purchase a license. My first question is How do I make the flash viewer and the image gallery lower down on the page the reason is on my background image is some text that needs to be read and the flash viewer is covering it. Secondly I have a situation where I don't want to see the images only the flash viewer but I want that to be in two different positions. I have this requirement on two different web sites on is using joomla the other is a static site I have been hunting for a picture carousel that does exactly what your flash viewer does. is this possible or do I keep searching

Author:  TinyWebGallery [ 15. Mar 2010, 17:09 ]
Post subject: 

About the spacing. You can simply adjust one of the css styles.

e.g. add some margin to the style "navbar".

About the flash viewer. Since 1.8 the flash can be used on external pages as well. Check the addons page how to do this.

- Michael

Author:  vaughy [ 15. Mar 2010, 22:35 ]
Post subject: 

Sorry but I am a complete novice trying to teach myself which style sheet do I change if I put a style sheet in the gallery folder in the pictures directory do I add the instructions there and if so do you have an example I can copy (and learn from)

Author:  TinyWebGallery [ 16. Mar 2010, 02:48 ]
Post subject: 

I already posted you the style you have to put the padding/margin in.

Put it in my_style.css. with you settings.

- Michael

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