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How to set a link on a galleryimage twg in joomla iframe
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Author:  marka17 [ 15. Mar 2010, 18:19 ]
Post subject:  How to set a link on a galleryimage twg in joomla iframe


I would like to set a link in an joomla article directly to an image from a twg gallery that runs as an iframe in joomla, and open that picture in the same iframe that twg runs in.

<a href="twg18/index.php?twg_album=&amp;twg_show=sampleimage.jpg" target="iframe">

opens a new window dispite declaring the target attribute.

Any help appreciated by a joomla and twg newbie.



Author:  TinyWebGallery [ 15. Mar 2010, 18:59 ]
Post subject: 

is your article in the iframe with the name "iframe"?

- Michael

Author:  marka17 [ 15. Mar 2010, 19:23 ]
Post subject: 

No. The articel itself is not in an iframe. Only the gallery is put into a wrapper.

But the articel is displayed in the same frame as the gallery. Hope this is clear. I'm pretty new to this stuff.


Author:  TinyWebGallery [ 15. Mar 2010, 19:33 ]
Post subject: 

Linking into an iframe only works if the iframe is displayed at the same time.

You can use the module for joomla to open a specific image. You find the module in the joomla-mambo folder.

- Michael

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