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TFU with TWG license?
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Author:  csmillie [ 19. Mar 2010, 01:52 ]
Post subject:  TFU with TWG license?

I'm having a problem with the TFU module not loading properly its saying:

"You are trying to use the TWG Upload Flash without authentication, server login failed, expired or the configuration could not be found!"

I'm able to login and access all other aspects of the TWG admin, the photo galleries are otherwise being displayed properly.

I'm seeing the following in the TWG debug log:

03.18.2010 19:09:55 - ERROR 8 in, line 1517: Undefined variable: d
03.18.2010 19:09:55 - ERROR 8 in, line 1517: Undefined variable: l

I originally got an error that the twg.lic.php didn't exist so I copied it into the admin/upload directory. Now I'm getting the error above....

Author:  TinyWebGallery [ 19. Mar 2010, 02:03 ]
Post subject: 

The license file has to be in the main directory of TWG.
If you copy it to the upload folder the wrong class is reading it but you still should not get an error (because TFU has several places where it checks)

Are you sure you have created the licnense file properly?
If not please send me a copy and I check it.

- Michael

Author:  TinyWebGallery [ 19. Mar 2010, 02:10 ]
Post subject: 

And this line you posted is normally not used by TWG. Only if you e.g. call /admin/upload/tfu_config.php directly.

But even then you should not get any error.

- Michael

Author:  csmillie [ 19. Mar 2010, 15:10 ]
Post subject: 

Removing the twg.lic.php from admin/upload generates the following errors:

03.19.2010 9:07:21 - ERROR 2 in, line 1515: include(/var/www/virtual/ [_a href='function.include'_function.include_/a_]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory
03.19.2010 9:07:21 - ERROR 2 in, line 1515: include() [_a href='function.include'_function.include_/a_]: Failed opening '/var/www/virtual/' for inclusion (include_path='.:/usr/share/php:/usr/share/pear')

I do have the twg.lic.php in the base directory too. TWG itself seems to pick it up properly.

I will send you my twg.lic.php file via a direct message.

Author:  TinyWebGallery [ 19. Mar 2010, 15:16 ]
Post subject: 

This does not help. You have to send me the file with e-mail because in the forum everything is encoded...

Are you calling tfu_login or tfu_config.php directly? Because this is the only part where this is function is used.

- Michael

Author:  csmillie [ 19. Mar 2010, 15:22 ]
Post subject: 

I'm just using TWG, not thing special with login or the config. This was all working until recently. I received a complaint from a friend with upload permission and haven't been able to resolve the since. I tried upgrading from v1.8 RC4 to v1.8 without any change...

I will email the twg.lic.php file.

Author:  TinyWebGallery [ 19. Mar 2010, 15:27 ]
Post subject: 

The file seems fine.

Can you remove the file and try again? I think this has nothing to do with the license.

- Michael

Author:  csmillie [ 19. Mar 2010, 15:37 ]
Post subject: 

Ok, twg.lic.php was removed and the TWG logo/ads appear on TWG again.

I'm still getting the same error message with the Flash uploader though. Any ideas how to debug or resolve?

Author:  TinyWebGallery [ 19. Mar 2010, 15:38 ]
Post subject: 

So it has nothing to do with the license.

Do you have firebug?
and do you manbe have a domain which is redirected somehow?

- Michael

Author:  csmillie [ 19. Mar 2010, 15:48 ]
Post subject: 

Yes, I have Firebug... What do you want to me to look at?

I haven't changed anything with regards to the domain at all. It virtually hosted on the server, I don't think there would be any issues with a redirect.


Author:  TinyWebGallery [ 19. Mar 2010, 15:53 ]
Post subject: 

open firebug and check if tfu_login.php is called from the flash and the parameters twg_user and twg_pass are set for this request.

- Michael

Author:  csmillie [ 19. Mar 2010, 16:11 ]
Post subject: 

It is calling tfu_login.php but I'm not seeing the twg_user value set. Here's the full call with parameters: ... &twg_user=

Author:  TinyWebGallery [ 19. Mar 2010, 16:19 ]
Post subject: 

It really looks like this - because this is normally a post where tfu_user is simply empty.

But maybe your server is completely striping away empty parameters - this would be a problem...

do you know php?

- Michael

Author:  csmillie [ 19. Mar 2010, 17:51 ]
Post subject: 

I do know PHP. The server hasn't really changed ( to my knowledge ) but I can change the configuration if needed.

Let me know what I should try...

Author:  TinyWebGallery [ 19. Mar 2010, 17:59 ]
Post subject: 

you can open tfu_login.php and change the line

if (isset($_POST['twg_user']) && isset($_POST['twg_pass'])) {


if (isset($_POST['twg_pass'])) {

because the Authentification for TWG is not done here. this is only used for the standalone version.

in the files you can use the function debug("123");
to write anything to the debug file.

This way you should find out very quick where to login fails.
Mabe it passed the above part and fails in my_tfu_config.php because of missing session parameters.

But try the step above first.

"Hasn't really changed" is always dangerous ;).

- Michael

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