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crossfading in Firefox
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Author:  michael123 [ 22. Nov 2005, 10:05 ]
Post subject:  crossfading in Firefox


I just saw that crossfading in IE works well while in Firefox it stops with the "loading image" (or similar) message if $twg_slide_type = 'TRUE';. Any chance this will be fixed in a future release?


Author:  TinyWebGallery [ 22. Nov 2005, 10:46 ]
Post subject: 


Can you verify this on the demo's?

I have tried a couple of times and didn't had any problems.
I have a local fix where this slideshow makes problems when you have used smilies in the captions.

If you have smilies in the captions then 'yes' there will be a fix.

Is your gallery online?
The one I know does not have the fading version activated.


Author:  michael123 [ 22. Nov 2005, 11:22 ]
Post subject: 

Thank you.

Yes, there are smilies in the captions. That is the reason. I had to turn fading off again because it becomes inoperable.

These ads at are standing in the way when you open an input box. If you are looking for good free hosting you should try Look for the text on the lower left. Given your abilities you would have no problem gaining 30 posting points (just copy some tutorials you wrote :lol: ). My website there now is, yeah, that's the URL 8) and I think I really got a nice gallery together now.


Author:  TinyWebGallery [ 22. Nov 2005, 11:48 ]
Post subject: 


Good to know. I will take a look.

But I always think that every hoster needs some money ... - some time soon.

Do the ads appear in the demo too? Because I made a small code change in 1.3b (the version you have). And the ad's should not be visible anymore in TWG.

1.3c is almost done (only writing some modules for Joomla right now).
Hope I can release it soon ;).
If you like the actual build let me know.


Author:  michael123 [ 22. Nov 2005, 12:21 ]
Post subject:  Thank you!

I do not use the demo because I am too busy setting the regular gallery up in a way the visitor sees it. Could not get any better than it is. Runs very stable now and AFAICS astahost uses better (newer) GD library binaries.

I set up at astahost and tested it extensively. I'm gonna delete funpic.

Otherwise looking forward to a new version. Thanks for the offer - no need, lack of time to play around. Relocating to Thailand in less than a week for 4 months.


Author:  Guest [ 22. Nov 2005, 13:33 ]
Post subject: 

all right.

Have fun there ;).


Author:  michael123 [ 22. Nov 2005, 13:59 ]
Post subject: 

Sorry to bother you again.

As I am sure you have seen the counter on does not work. Does that have to do with file permissions? I copied the files from funpic. Maybe that was the mistake. Or, in this case, do I have to chmode some particular files?



Later: got it! chmode'd files in /counter But still errors aplenty :roll:
11.22.2005 19:54:31 - ERROR 2 in /curare2/public_html/inc/, line 108: fputs(): supplied argument is not a valid stream resource

11.22.2005 19:54:31 - ERROR 2 in /curare2/public_html/inc/, line 109: fclose(): supplied argument is not a valid stream resource

11.22.2005 19:54:31 - ERROR 2 in /curare2/public_html/inc/, line 123: fopen(counter/user_today.txt): failed to open stream: Permission denied

11.22.2005 19:54:31 - ERROR 2 in /curare2/public_html/inc/, line 124: fputs(): supplied argument is not a valid stream resource

Author:  TinyWebGallery [ 22. Nov 2005, 17:24 ]
Post subject: 


biggest debug file I have seen in a while ;).

seems funpic has different default permission settings for files and directories
than you new hoster.

cache, xml and counter directory to chmod 777
and then all files in there too.

I have made a howto how to make this restrictions more strict again.

But try the 777 first until you don't get any errors and then change the permissions - I have a .htaccess file in the download too. you can adopt this to your need an use this for restricting access!


Author:  michael123 [ 22. Nov 2005, 18:54 ]
Post subject: 

Thank you. Yeah, I read the tutorial re: permissions. And I made the changes. Now I can add new captions as well, which was not possible without the changes. I was getting desperate. Thank you for your help. Settings ARE different at astahost vs. funpic. And the counting is back to normal as well now.

debug file stands at 1.2 megs now :evil: I guess I'll delete it or empty it.


Author:  TinyWebGallery [ 23. Nov 2005, 12:36 ]
Post subject: 

DELETE IT - i will be generated anyway if you have still errors!

If everythin is working debug should be empty!


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