Answer is pretty easy - you assume stuff twg just can't do out of the box
all html includes (footer, header, overview, thumb and image.htm) have to be in the main directory and therefore are the same for all albums!.
Therefore the stuff you tried cannot work
folder.txt is for each directory and intended to display a nice extra text for an album.
Below the thumbnails is no extra include right now!
But you can to this easy by yourself!
use the thumbs.htm (in the main folder) - put the code for your random image in there and replace the album with
<?php echo $twg_album ?>
if you have fancy album names use urlencode($twg_album)
<img src="image.php?twg_album=<?php echo urlencode($twg_album) ?>&twg_random=1&twg_type=random&twg_random_size=200">
Have fun using TWG.