Found out the problem was pasting source code into the posting. Don't know exactly which part caused the problem but wrapping it in
instead of [code] helpded
So here we go: To solve the layout problem in FF I did the following:
inc/, line 328:
<table summary='' class='thumbnails' cellpadding='1' cellspacing='1'><tr><td class='thumbnails' onMouseOver=\"this.className='twg_hoverThumbnail'\" onMouseOut=\"this.className='twg_unhoverThumbnail'\"><a href='%s?twg_album=%s&twg_show=%s%s'><img width='$thumb_pic_size' height='$thumb_pic_size' src='%s' %s /></a></td></tr></table></td>", $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'], $album_enc, $aktimage, $twg_standalone, $src_value, $beschreibung);
This just adds height and width parameters to the img tag.
Also I added these in
inc/showfolders.php, line 156:
echo "<img " . $fade . " src='" . $folderfileindirect . "' alt='' width='" . $menu_pic_size_x . "' height='" . $menu_pic_size_y . "'/>"; // width='" . $menu_pic_size_x . "' height='" . $menu_pic_size_y . "'
These 2 changes solved all my layout issues. However, another problem I ran into: After switching on cache_dirs the translation into English didn't work as good anymore. Everything got translated except album titles. I think that this is a problem with one of the file-functions. I decided to make an if condition break (admittedly not the optimal solution), but it works for me. So I added a "!" in:
inc/, line 331:
if (isset($_SESSION["getdirname" . $dir_name ]) && !$cache_dirs) {
Lastly, I found out that the topx feature doesn't work when the gallery is used as a PHP include. Reason: the links call index.php in document root. As my site works through one central index.php it was easy to fix that but this might not work for everyone. At a central place I just added:
#Workaround for Gallery Integration for where gallery include is not enough
if (isset($_GET["twg_album"])) {
foreach ($_GET as $key => $value) {
header("Location: index.php?content=sb2&galleryparams=".urlencode($params));
This is essentially a redirect to the gallerypage that passes through all get parameters (works only because of same name "index.php").
My gallery include then is:
<!-- The following PHP code includes the gallery into our layout -->
foreach ($parampairs as $pair) {
include ("gallery/index.php");
<!-- End of gallery include -->
In order for this to work one has to tell the gallery-config to ignore "galleryparams".
$ignore_parameter = array('file','galleryparams');
So this might help someone who has the same problem right now. In a future release it would be desirable that the topx page works as php-include as well.
Hope that helps. Thanks again for the nice gallery.