I was looking at integrating TWG into Website baker and this works using the Iframe, although calculating the height is a problem, not know how many folders etc are in the gallery.
However, it would be better to use the include. The problem I have is that the global variables don't seem to work when I use the include. I put an echo in the filefunctions.inc.php and none of the variables are passed e.g. cachedir is empty.
Any ideas as to why this is. If I use the iframe they are passed just fine.
My Config:
$install_dir = "../../twg14/";
the page calling the include ("../../twg14/"); is located in
#removed_broken_link (/www/wb/page/twg-include.php)
thanks for any advise.
BTW: Can you put in a check in for non image files or 0byte files.