Hello Michael,
first of all - thx for your excellent reaction time - you're really great and I'd like to thank you for all this effort you're putting into TWG Gallery!
TinyWebGallery wrote:
I the last update i changed the way some files are written. But I missed how it works if the file does not exist. Please create a empty file called useronline.txt and counter.txt in the counter folder.
Done. The creation of the two (0 byte sized) files did result in a spinning wheel for a few seconds (on the "home" page) and then the wheel disappeared, and both files are getting filled. thx!
I think you'd need to provide these two as a standard into your delivery package / ZIP file?
TinyWebGallery wrote:
the 2nd problem could be happening because of the sorting. Can you check the time if your server? It the timestamp it too long this can maybe cause this.
Not sure which time output you're after? When I "show php info", one variable "_SERVER["REQUEST_TIME"]" and also "_ENV["REQUEST_TIME"]" is set to 1502350040. Does this help?
But I think the main issue was due to the fact - if you check with my initial email - that the first letter of the directory name got lost......... the rest is more or less to me a "logical consequence" out of this...
But maybe I'm wrong. YOu know your source code better than i do
Again, thx!