BTW I purchased the enterprise edition, so I guess I have a full working version.
I watch the video, read again and again and again all the documentation.
I simply unable to GET RID of the error - "The folder has no write permissions. All actions are disabled."
My Settings - Inside frontend profile, I switched ON "master profile". - CHMOD new files = 0777 - CHMOD new directories = 0777 - My default folder is already 0777
What I wish to achieve? - A new user create an account with the Joomla registration form. - Activate the new account. - Login - And able to upload file to his own folder (named with his username) - JFU did create a folder in the username. - BUT with error "The folder has no write permissions. All actions are disabled."
I wonder how to resolve this issue?
BTW I have used another FREE file-Upload-System which able to auto-create a folder in username with 777 permission. So I guess is not my server PHP.ini configuration problem.