After working with JFU a bit, I noticed I have a problem to upload files through the back-end component.
For some reason, when I try to upload a file (of any type) via the "Upload" page in the back-end component I get
the message "Upload started. Please wait ..." for about 15-20 seconds (the file size is 14kb and the link to the server is 100Mbit/s)
and then the error "Retry failed. Please check your timeouts.".
The stranger thing is, that after I upload a file via the front-end and go back to the back-end, the problem disapears.
PHP settings:
120 secondspost_max_size:
1000MBI have linked Joomla!'s 'Super Users' group to JFU's 'admin' profile, so this is the profile that the admin using the component is assigned to.
Also, if it has any importance - I'm using Community Builder to manage my Users.
Any ideas?