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PostPosted: 8. Nov 2011, 18:40 

Joined: 8. Nov 2011, 18:28
Posts: 7
Joomla 1.72
jFU 2.14

Hi, great file uploader here. This is literally a core feature of my project so thanks for developing. My issue I think is pretty simple but I cannot figure out how to do it. I am working on a my company's intranet page and all I want is for group folders to be used when a user is logged in, not their own. I can only seem to get all or nothing here.

The intranet has about 20 different Joomla Groups based on departments in the company. about 10 normal groups and another 10 editor versions of the groups. Within each Joomla main group is about 50 users and about 2-3 users per editor group. This allows each department to have their own editors as well as keep the information they decide to post, limited to their department and not the whole company.

I am trying to use jFU to work with this model but for the file upload side. So ideally the 2-3 editors of each department will see each other's uploads. It would be great is folder creation could be done automatically to accomplish this but I dont mid setting up the folders manually as it is a one time thing.

Thanks in advance for any assistance.

PS. Once the project is in more of a beta phase I will be able to submit my costs to my Director and then I can purchase the component =)

Ray Bayard
Mendes & Mount, LLP
New York NY, 10019

PostPosted: 8. Nov 2011, 21:32 
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Automatic creation of folders for groups is not implemented only for users.

But the setup is simple. Make x profiles with a directory each and assign each Joomla group to a profile.
But make sure each user is only in one group. Otherwise the first group of the user is used.

If you have a little bit budget a implementation that automatically creates the folders like in the master mode for users is maybe possible.

- Michael

PostPosted: 8. Nov 2011, 21:57 

Joined: 8. Nov 2011, 18:28
Posts: 7
Thanks for the quick reply. I have in fact tried your exact solution however, when I do this the logged in user gets the error "No profile could be found for this group configuration. Please make sure that you have a default profile in this group." message. The group the user is in is of course set to have upload rights in the permission section.

The way I got past the above message was to create a generic "Editors" group and assigned the Menu link (which I titled Uploads) to the Group name called "Editors". In the back end of JFU i assigned the different department profiles I have created (ie Human Resource - Editors, Accounting - Editors) to the main Editor group. This solution either lets a user have full access to all folders or creates their own folder depending on if Editor group is set to Master or not.

Any suggestions?

PostPosted: 8. Nov 2011, 22:02 
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Don't mix joomla groups and JFU groups. a JFU group has serveral profiles and to each profile you have to assign a Joomla group. And in a JFU group you normally have a profile with a disabled flash and a message. Because normally you have users as well with are not assigned to one of the groups that are allowed to upload.

- Michael

PostPosted: 8. Nov 2011, 22:42 

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Posts: 7
Yep, I understand the difference and (though its hard sometimes), I do not confuse the two groups types. A group in JFU seems to house multiple profiles, which can be attached to a Joomla user or Group or the group itself can be give Joomla Group access. I love the flexibility and I feel like Im SO close now, I'm just a tad off. Here is what I have... (colors reflect if flash is on or off)

Uploads (Menu Item) - Set to point to group called Editors

Set Up

Editors(JFU Group) --- HR Editor (JFU Profile), -Accnt Editor (JFU Profile), -Legal Editor (JFU Profile) ---
-HR Editor (JFU Profile) --- HR Editor (Joomla Group) --- User 1, User 2 --- ../Uploads/Editors/HR (desired access)
-Accnt Editor (JFU Profile) --- Accnt Editor (Joomla Group) --- User 3, User 4 --- ../Uploads/Editors/AC (desired access)
-Legal Editor (JFU Profile) --- Legal Editor (Joomla Group) --- User 5, User 6 - ../Uploads/Editors/LE (desired access)

My users are getting access to the entire Editors directory and thus seeing the other department's folders. I am missing something simple here... but I just can't see it. I need the system to be able to adjust access based on log in due to the JFU button in the Article Editor (which is awesome).

Any help again is greatly appreciated.

PostPosted: 8. Nov 2011, 23:01 
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Can you make a screenshot of the configuration overview.

Because each profile has to have it's individual directory.
Do you have users assigned to the profiles? Because only groups should be assigned.

- Michael

PostPosted: 8. Nov 2011, 23:29 

Joined: 8. Nov 2011, 18:28
Posts: 7
Yep, I will get a few screenshots to you tomorrow when I return to work. To answer your questions, yes to 1 and no to 2. I do have a unique directory for each JFU Profile. And nope, no users assigned to any JFU Profiles or JFU Groups. Just 1 Joomla group assigned to each JFU profile. :/

A side note, I really appreciate your help and the speed of your replies. You have a unique component and great service. Thanks again. I'll get you the screenies tomorrow.

PostPosted: 9. Nov 2011, 15:11 

Joined: 8. Nov 2011, 18:28
Posts: 7
Ok attached are a couple screen shots. Let me know if you need more. Thanks!

Existing Mappings.PNG
Existing Mappings.PNG [ 26.93 KiB | Viewed 6854 times ]
Profiles.PNG [ 45.97 KiB | Viewed 6854 times ]
PostPosted: 9. Nov 2011, 15:20 
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delete profile 7

and then enter at group id 'Editors' for all the profiles that should be under one menu item.

You make a JFU group by using the same group id at the profiles.

- Michael

PostPosted: 9. Nov 2011, 15:37 
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And do you see the warnings? They do exist for a reason ;).

There is also a video tutorial how groups are used.
I know that it not really easy but once you understand how it works this gives you the maximum flexibility possible.

- Michael

PostPosted: 9. Nov 2011, 21:11 

Joined: 8. Nov 2011, 18:28
Posts: 7
Ahhh ok. That makes sense. Thank you again for the replies. I did try to view the tutorial videos but for me they werent really videos... they were more like slide shows and they were maybe 3 slides long each... is that normal?

Either way I will give this a try and get back to you here.

PostPosted: 9. Nov 2011, 23:37 
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3 slides? You have to click through the tutorials.

- Michael

PostPosted: 11. Nov 2011, 03:01 
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Does your setup work now?

And are you interested to automatically get the folder for groups created?


PostPosted: 11. Nov 2011, 03:17 

Joined: 8. Nov 2011, 18:28
Posts: 7
Sorry for the delayed reply. Yes I was only getting 3 slides per video when I clicked through. I think it was my browser though. They work fine now on IE. But yea, the set up work perfectly now. It would be nice to have the folders auto-create but it is fine this way too(manual creation) because once it's set up I won't be creating folders anymore.

Your help was awesome. Thank you again.

PostPosted: 11. Nov 2011, 03:25 
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Auto create for groups is simple for Joomla 1.5 - but for 1.6 is it complicated because it a user can have more than one group. So which one to choose.

the automation in the long run is important because then you save a lot of time assigning nw grous/users/createfolders.


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