Using Joomla 1.5.23 / JFUploader 2.14.x / Linux server PHP 5.xI had a problem with the "keepalive" javascript which is included in the JFU code : the plugin seems deliberately to echo some JS script code ABOVE the DOCTYPE ..!? My browsers FireFox, Google Chrome and Opera have no problem with that, but IE has some weird problems with this code construction. In IE9 : some none-JFU page elements suffer some focus and css errors (hard to say exactly what happened, but i guess this is not important here). NOTE: i tested with and without the "meta http-equiv='X-UA-Compatible' content='IE=EmulateIE7'" head tag.
In these JFU files i find the concerning JS codes :
A) /components/com_jfuploader/jfuploader.html.php
(NOTE: also /administrator/components/com_jfuploader/admin.jfuploader.html.php contains the concerning JS code, but i did not edit this file)
*** here some keepalive function is defined and executed
// we can only have a keepalive if Joomla and JFU use the same session!
if ($jConfig->session_handler != 'database') {
echo JHTML::_('behavior.keepalive');
// now I overwrite the existing function.
echo (.....the JS code.....)
B) /components/com_jfuploader/jfuploader.class.php
*** here the concerning JS code resides in the function printCss(), which dynamically adds some css code to the page head.
By commenting-out these JS includes, i simply managed to solve my problem !
So, to echo JS script code ABOVE the DOCTYPE, is that proper coding ?
And what does the keepalive function do anyway? Leaving its code out, JFU also seems to function properly in all my browsers ..!?