Ok so I found the file, but still cannot see where to alter it.
Here is a copy of what is in the file, but i cannot see where to alter it!
Can you please tell me more?
# JFUploader 2.13.x Freeware - for Joomla 1.5.x
# Copyright (c) 2004-2011 TinyWebGallery
# written by Michael Dempfle
# For the latest version please go to
# English language file of the JFUploader
# errors
ERR_PLUGIN=<b>Configuration error</b><br>The plugin does not have the required parameters.<br>Make sure to use the following format:<br>{jfuploader type=<0 or 1> id=<profile or group id> securitytoken=<security token from the administration>}
ERR_FOLDER=Configuration Error! The destination folder does not exist.
ERR_ID_NO=You have not specified a profile or group id in the parameters at the menu item you created for JFU or for your plugin. For the menu item you have to do this on the right side where basic parameters can be entered. Please enter a valid id there. For more information click on the 'Help' button of JFU and read 'How to use the JFUploader in the front end'.
ERR_ID_WRONG=You have not specified a valid profile or group id in the parameters at the menu item you created for JFU or for your plugin. For the menu item you have to do this on the right side where basic parameters can be entered. Please enter a valid id there. For more information click on the 'Help' button of JFU and read 'How to use the JFUploader in the front end'. If you use a group id please make sure that you have a default profile in this group.
ERR_NO_USER=<p><strong>You are not logged in.</strong></p><p>JFUploader is configured to use a master profile. This is only enabled after a valid login.</p>
ERR_ADMIN_ID=You have specified the id of the admin profile. For security reasons this profile is only allowed for backend use. Please use a different profile or create a copy of the admin profile if you are sure that you want to use it in the frontend! If you make a copy make sure the "Use textbox below" is selected for all language settings or define language dependant settings in the frontend language file \language\en-GB\en-GB.com_jfuploader.ini.
ERR_PLUGIN_ONCE=<b>Configuration error</b><br>The plugin can only be used once on a page because the configrations do interfere.
# jfuploader editor xtd plugin
JFU_XTD_URL=Image - Please select the image from above.
JFU_XTD_ALT=Alternative text / title
JFU_XTD_IMAGE_EXTRA=Extra image attributes e.g. class=...
JFU_XTD_HSPACE=Horizonal space
JFU_XTD_VSPACE=Vertical space
JFU_XTD_CREATE_THUMB=Create thumbnail
JFU_XTD_LINK=Link - Please select a link from above or insert it manually.
JFU_XTD_LINK_EXTRA=Extra link attributes
JFU_XTD_LINK_EXTRA_T1=The attributes above can be used to activate e.g. a lightbox. Please click on the links for examples of 3 common implementations:
JFU_XTD_LINK_EXTRA_T2=Make sure you have included the needed libraries.
JFU_XTD_TARGET_BLANK=New window (_blank)
JFU_XTD_TARGET_SELF=Topmost window (_top)
JFU_XTD_TARGET_TOP=Same window (_self)
JFU_XTD_TARGET_PARENT=Parent window (_parent)
JFU_XTD_LOCKRATIO=Lock Ratio/Unlock Ratio
JFU_XTD_ERROR_NO_IMAGE=Please select an image.
JFU_XTD_ERROR_NO_SIZE=Please set a valid size.
JFU_XTD_ERROR_INVALID_DATA=Your input contains invalid data.
ERR_ID_NO_XTD=You have not specified a profile or group id in the plugin parameters. Please go to Extensions -> Plugin manager. Search for 'Button - JFUploader Editor Plugin' and set the parameters on the right side. You have to use the same parameters as for the component or the plugin. For the editor extension you can only specify one group or profile!
JFU_XTD_CAPTION=Insert as caption.
JFU_XTD_SPACE_DEFAULT=Template default
# The example below is for the frontend user 1 simply replace the number by your profile
# ID if you want to create a internationalized version of you include.
JFU_TEXT_TITLE_2=Welcome to the JFUploader
JFU_TEXT_TOP_2=Please select the folder you want to upload, add the files to the Upload queue and press 'Upload' to upload the files