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 Post subject: PDF preview not working
PostPosted: 20. Nov 2014, 20:05 

Joined: 20. Nov 2014, 19:14
Posts: 7
I am running JFUploader 3.2 on a server hosted at running Joomla v. 3.3.6

running tfu_login.php gives:

TFU version: 3.2 (Freeware Edition)
Server name:
PHP upload limit (in KB): 524288
PHP memory limit (in KB): 524288
Safe mode: OFF
GD lib: Available
Max resize resolution (GDlib): ~ 10414 x 7820
Image magick support: Available
The times below have to be longer than the maximum
upload duration! Otherwise the upload will fail.
PHP maximum execution time: 600 s
PHP maximum input time: 600 s
PHP default socket timeout:
I have followed this guide:

creating this folder:
Preview of jpg files works fine fullscreen etc.
and thubnails of jpg files show up in this folder
once they are selected in left flash window.

when i select a pdf file however i get a fx this message:
Selected item: 'naturhelse-02-2010.pdf'. Preview not available.

Initially i also installed the thumbnail_plugin.php
However for pdf files it only resulted in outputting a similar pdf file just appended a .jpg in the file name .

I have asked the web host to install ghostscript
and I was told this:
yum list installed | grep ghostscript
ghostscript.x86_64 8.70-19.el6 @base
ghostscript-devel.x86_64 8.70-19.el6 @base
ghostscript-fonts.noarch 5.50-23.2.el6 @cloudlinux-x86_64-server-6
I'm still on the unregistered version of JFUploader

PostPosted: 21. Nov 2014, 02:05 

Joined: 20. Nov 2014, 19:14
Posts: 7
Now I got pdf preview somewhat working.
The quick & dirty fix was to add:
$use_image_magic = true;
in 2'nd line of tfu_preview function (line 2093) in file
Changing $use_image_magic = false; to true in tfu_config.php in same folder has seemingly no effect.

Also even though the .jpg preview files are generater in /thumbs folder
I still get the " Preview not available." message and the fullscreen zoom option is disabled.

PostPosted: 22. Nov 2014, 10:53 
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You are using JFUploader. There you simply have to enable image magic in the profiles.
Your changes are overwritten from the config of JFUploader stored in the Joomla db.

So you should not change any config files in JFUploader directly!

Best, Michael

PostPosted: 22. Nov 2014, 20:10 

Joined: 20. Nov 2014, 19:14
Posts: 7
I found the setting Use image magick in the profiles
however it only reads:
Test disabled
and can not be set.
I have tried with Enable image magick check both enabled and disabled
this does no difference to the:
Use Image macick Test disabled message with the red cross in front of in profiles.

PostPosted: 22. Nov 2014, 21:08 
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The test can be enabled on the main config page.

I have also explained it here with pdf's ... button.php

This is where I use it at least once every week where I upload pdf files and generate thumbnails.
Do you get any errors in the log?

And are the thumbs generated now at least in the thumbs folder?

Because than the function tfu_info should return true for the pdf.

Best, Michael

PostPosted: 23. Nov 2014, 19:38 

Joined: 20. Nov 2014, 19:14
Posts: 7
I have attached images(pdf) of my config and profile.
I cleared the log and uploaded 2 pdf files and nothing showed up in the log.
then I enabled debug and uploaded 2 more pdf files, and attached that log file
I thereafter select the uploaded pdf in the flash but get a Preview not available. message
and no thumbnail is generated in the thumbs folder.
- messages in the log file seem mostly related to my thumbnail-plugin mod.....
Inspired by this thread:

I have modified your thumbnail plugin so it also generates images of the fist page of uploaded pdf's
and this crude workaround works.
File comment: All 4 attachments .. again [252.64 KiB]
Downloaded 1089 times

PostPosted: 24. Nov 2014, 10:59 
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ok - The profile does not show the correct page where the setting is.

Can you please provide the 2nd tab of the used profile.

Best, Michael

PostPosted: 24. Nov 2014, 18:38 

Joined: 20. Nov 2014, 19:14
Posts: 7
Sorry here:
File comment: 2'nd tab of admin profile config [185.08 KiB]
Downloaded 1068 times

PostPosted: 24. Nov 2014, 18:48 
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Posts: 11232
Oh - just saw this on my Joomla 3.3. test install also. Seems the settings is somehow not working anymore.
I'll check and update...

PostPosted: 24. Nov 2014, 21:56 
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Posts: 11232
o.k. - This was an error while migrating to Joomla 3 (They changed e.g. true to 1). And my check was still using the old style.

update to 3.2.1 from the website and you should be able to enable the check and image magick then.

Best, Michael

PostPosted: 27. Nov 2014, 23:23 

Joined: 20. Nov 2014, 19:14
Posts: 7
Setting image magick in profile now enabled and Voila..... :-)
Yes It works fine now, thumbnail generation in thumbs folder and shows preview in flash.
Now just to figure out how best to use thumbnails in pdf article ...
Greetings Michael

PostPosted: 28. Nov 2014, 00:40 
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Posts: 11232
What do you mean with "how best to use thumbnails in pdf article".

Best, Michael

PostPosted: 22. Dec 2014, 16:47 

Joined: 20. Nov 2014, 19:14
Posts: 7
Sorry for the delayed answer.
I was somewhat unclear in my formulation.
I meant how to use the thumbnails to present the pdf files in joomla site.
fx like on this webpage:
Here I am using the thumbnails created by my modified thumbnail_plugin.php
and an extension called tooltips from:
This shows a small image of the frontpage of the pdf file and a larger image when you mouse over it.
The source code of one of the pdf articles looks like this:
<p><a style="font-size: 11.8181819915771px; line-height: 1.3em;" href="images/pdf/NaturHelse-2014-02.pdf">{tip <img src="images/pdf/NaturHelse-2014-02small.jpg" alt="" />::29 årgang 2014 nr. 2 } <img style="width: 60px; height: 85px; border-width: 0px; border-style: solid;" title="" src="images/pdf/NaturHelse-2014-02mini.jpg" alt="" />{/tip}</a></p>
I was thinking if it would be possible to integrate this functionality into the JFUploader button for creating articles.
So you more or less automaticially would be able to create simmelar preview tags for pdf files.

PostPosted: 22. Dec 2014, 19:36 
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Joined: 1. Aug 2005, 12:53
Posts: 11232
The jfuploader button has a link option where you can select the pdf a link target.

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