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PostPosted: 4. Dec 2007, 15:46 

Joined: 4. Dec 2007, 15:32
Posts: 7
I have the problem that when i start the jfu (back- and frontend)
the status info is "Sie haben nicht genug Rechte um Ordner zu erzeugen. Diese Funktion ist deaktiviert." (german / You have not enough rights to create folders. This function is deaktivated).
it nothing changes to change the rights to 777 (normal it's enough on my server to user 755).
the problem is that i can't create folders.
but it's no problem to rename or delete folders
or to upload, download, rename, delete files.

in the setting's of jfu i set "Enable folder deletion" defenetly to yes.

thx for help

joomla 1.0.13
save_mode on (but no problems with, no require for save_mode patch or whatever)
CB 1.1

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PostPosted: 4. Dec 2007, 17:47 
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when safe mode on I think I disable creation of folders by default.

The problem is not that I can create folders. This would work. But with safe mode on you would not be able to upload something into this folder.

I can show you how to disable the detection and you can try if your system works differently ;).


 Post subject: Answer
PostPosted: 5. Dec 2007, 23:01 

Joined: 4. Dec 2007, 15:32
Posts: 7
I can show you how to disable the detection and you can try if your system works differently

ok please do it.

(i wrote you a email but i see no answeremail)

mfg Michael

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PostPosted: 5. Dec 2007, 23:21 
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I already answered your email.

this was the content:

open tfu_readDir.php in the tfu folder.
search for dir_create - then you see couple of stati.

if you set dir_create=true dirs can be created.

Please let me now if you can upload files to the dir's you create.
Would be interesting if my detection can be improved.


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PostPosted: 6. Dec 2007, 00:48 

Joined: 4. Dec 2007, 15:32
Posts: 7
(i think my spam filter blocks your mail sorry.)

i change in tfu_readDir.php
>if (is_writeable($dir)){
> if ($sm_prob){ $status .= "&dir_create=subdir"; }
>if (is_writeable($dir)){
> if ($sm_prob){ $status .= "&dir_create=true"; }

everthing works fine:
- creation folder
- upload files into the folder with jfu and ftp
- and folder killing in jfu

thx your fast answers

mfg Michael

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PostPosted: 6. Dec 2007, 09:48 
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ok - good point . you installed the components with joomla.

Then the save mode detection can be extended because it's like using my safe mode installer and this means that the php files already have the right owner. I'll add this to the next version of jfu.


 Post subject: -
PostPosted: 6. Dec 2007, 10:20 

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Posts: 7
When i'm defibne a profile in the config for a group
and set the user->subdir,
there thems to be an security problem.

When i'm allow creating folders.
you can manipulate the jfu by using a folder name like
../test or ../../test
to create folders in an higher level as i define it in the jfu profile config.

mfg Michael

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PostPosted: 6. Dec 2007, 10:35 
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thanks - i'll restrict this in the next version.


 Post subject:
PostPosted: 6. Dec 2007, 13:09 

Joined: 4. Dec 2007, 15:32
Posts: 7
To fix the folder problem i replace in
at Line 34,35
>if (isset($_GET['createdir'])) { // creates a directory
> $newdir = $_GET['newdir'];
>if (isset($_GET['createdir'])) { // creates a directory
> $newdir = str_replace("/", "", str_replace("\\", "", $_GET['newdir']));

mfg Michael

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PostPosted: 6. Dec 2007, 13:34 
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do this fix in the tfu_file.php at the rename too.

if ($action == "rename") { // rename a file

because there it then would be possible to move a file to a different dir.

I already added this to my local build.


 Post subject:
PostPosted: 6. Dec 2007, 13:42 

Joined: 4. Dec 2007, 15:32
Posts: 7
thx. now i fix it too.

ok next question :-)

when i selected files
and then the delete button
ger= Status. "NaN Dateien konnten nicht gelöscht werden"
eng~ Status. "NaN files couldn't be deleted"

is it a problem or is it not supported by jfu

mfg Michael

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PostPosted: 6. Dec 2007, 13:50 
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This is a bug already fixed - this happend when I moved the languages to external xml files.

But I have to make TFU 2.7 final first before I migrate this to JFU.

And I wait for Joomla 1.5 final because JFU 2.7 will be available for 1.5 and 1.1.x


 Post subject:
PostPosted: 6. Dec 2007, 13:53 

Joined: 4. Dec 2007, 15:32
Posts: 7
thx for your fast answers.

is there a way how can i fix this problem myself

mfg Michael

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PostPosted: 6. Dec 2007, 14:01 
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no - this bug is inside the flash.

you can't even try the 2.6 version of the flash because this needs different php files.
You could use the 2.6 (or the 2.7 version) inside joomla but then only inside a wrapper without the backend to configure everything.


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