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PostPosted: 3. Jan 2008, 09:14 

Joined: 11. Oct 2007, 17:42
Posts: 11
Location: Montréal
Hi !

I will soon have two hosting servers and would like to set one of them to be a backup server and the place where clients can upload their files, but my website would be hosted on another server, so I'd like to know if there's a way to configurate JFU to upload to another server rather than another directory...

I also have the same problem mentionned on a previous post, concerning error while donwloading big files.

Thanks ! :)

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PostPosted: 3. Jan 2008, 18:36 
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Joined: 1. Aug 2005, 12:53
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JFU uses the normal php features for storing the files.

You might save it to the one server and than transfer it to the other one.

If the download fails too you maybe check the maximum execution time of php and the session.


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PostPosted: 3. Jan 2008, 22:56 

Joined: 11. Oct 2007, 17:42
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Location: Montréal
ok ... because I can't upload on the host of my website because it doesn't have a lot of space in it. I have another webhost with a lot of space that I would like to use for uploads... But it seams that I can't do that this way...

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PostPosted: 4. Jan 2008, 00:39 
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If you don't have the space on the other webhost - what would copying help?

TWG for example can have image on a different host if some settings are done.


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PostPosted: 4. Jan 2008, 01:07 

Joined: 11. Oct 2007, 17:42
Posts: 11
Location: Montréal
I don't understand the thing about TWG and don't use it, I use JFU, and I don't want to copy files from a server to another, because the purpose of those files is not to stay on the server, but to be downloaded locally...

I want to use JFU on my website, but upload files on another server, wouldn't be possible to do that with an absolute path ?

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PostPosted: 4. Jan 2008, 09:59 
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Joined: 1. Aug 2005, 12:53
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JFU only uploads on the Joomla server. But as I said before you could then copy the files to the other server.

you can use the php ftp functions to do this.

AN other possibility would be to install a standalone TFU on the other server and include this in an iframe. But then you would not have the Joomla administration to configure the flash.


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