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PostPosted: 20. Jul 2008, 04:21 

Joined: 16. Jul 2008, 02:03
Posts: 13
Location: Germany
Hello JFU group,

At first I use Joomla 1.5.4 on MYSQL 4.1.13, PHP 4.4.
I have also installed Joomfish Beta 2.

Mow My Problem:
I use the Flash Uploader on my Homepage in an article with the plugin.
The Uploader was shown in the Article. But over the Article Title JFU print out "No valid database connection". But the Uploader works.
But when the User is loggedin and klicks on the Article with JFU in it an Error Window was shown.
With the massage"The Webpage cant be opened, action cancled"
When I delet the JFU Tag from The Article everting works without Error s.

I'm using Joomla Flash Uploader with Serial key
I hope you can help me?

Sorry for my bad english,8)


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PostPosted: 20. Jul 2008, 18:48 
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The backend works fine?
Does it only happen when the plugin is used?


 Post subject: AW:
PostPosted: 20. Jul 2008, 18:56 

Joined: 16. Jul 2008, 02:03
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Location: Germany
TinyWebGallery wrote:
The backend works fine?
Does it only happen when the plugin is used?


At first thanks for the fast answer.
Yes the backend works fine.
Now I have made a user menue link for Publishers without the plugin and there is the same problem.



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PostPosted: 20. Jul 2008, 19:02 
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I don't have an install of joomla 1.5 with php 4 and mysql 4 anymore.

which php is it exacly? because Joomla recomands to have 4.4.7.

The error is maybe related to the php version because the error message itself comes from joomla - not from JFU.

Without debuging it is hard to say why this error comes. You might check the Joomla forums too. If you find something there I can maybe make a fix that thefrontend works for your version as well.


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PostPosted: 20. Jul 2008, 20:01 

Joined: 16. Jul 2008, 02:03
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Location: Germany
TinyWebGallery wrote:
I don't have an install of joomla 1.5 with php 4 and mysql 4 anymore.

which php is it exacly? because Joomla recomands to have 4.4.7.

The error is maybe related to the php version because the error message itself comes from joomla - not from JFU.

Without debuging it is hard to say why this error comes. You might check the Joomla forums too. If you find something there I can maybe make a fix that thefrontend works for your version as well.



you thing its only a php version issual.
I'm using a VPS Root Server you thing when I m updating the PHP Version to 4.4.7 or 5.X the problem is gone?

Thanks for your fast support,


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PostPosted: 20. Jul 2008, 20:12 
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I don't actually know. I only never had joomla 1.5 with php 4.x and mysql 4.x

Is the upload itself working? Because I can surpress this message very easy.


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PostPosted: 20. Jul 2008, 20:18 
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found it - it'S a issue with joomfish:

please let me know if it worked.


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PostPosted: 20. Jul 2008, 20:41 

Joined: 16. Jul 2008, 02:03
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Location: Germany
TinyWebGallery wrote:
found it - it'S a issue with joomfish:

please let me know if it worked.


Hello Michael,

yes the Uploader Works.
Yes I know this issuel but it is in Version 1.8.2 from Joomfish i use Version 2 for Joomla 1.5.

Thanks ,


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PostPosted: 20. Jul 2008, 20:59 
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Strange - because they say it's a problem of the mysql db and the insert statement - I don't do any insert at this point I only read ...

do you have any error line?
maybe in the log file?


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PostPosted: 20. Jul 2008, 21:05 

Joined: 16. Jul 2008, 02:03
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Location: Germany
TinyWebGallery wrote:
Strange - because they say it's a problem of the mysql db and the insert statement - I don't do any insert at this point I only read ...

do you have any error line?
maybe in the log file?


Wher is the log sored?
I have nothing found :(

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PostPosted: 20. Jul 2008, 21:09 
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the server log? Don't know which system you have - apache/log for apache.

jfu has a tfu.log in the tfu folder of the component - but for the frontend this is not used.


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PostPosted: 22. Jul 2008, 02:21 

Joined: 16. Jul 2008, 02:03
Posts: 13
Location: Germany
Hello Michael,
sorry I cant find the apache log and there isend a JFU log.
I use Suse Linux 10 with Plesk 8.4 on a Hosteurope VPS Server.

Did somebody now wher the Log was saved?

How I can surpress this message?

Because the Uploadere Works corekt.

Thanks for help my out of my problem,


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PostPosted: 22. Jul 2008, 08:54 
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I can send you a small patch - But I don't know if if works because I don't really know where the error is thrown exacly.

If you want to give it a try send me an e-mail.


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