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PostPosted: 30. Nov 2008, 14:23 

Joined: 30. Nov 2008, 14:05
Posts: 6
Joomla version: 1.5.7
JFU version: 2.81 Joomla 1.5
License: professional
Flash version: 10

The upload is fine but it does not resize the images ant it does not show any error message. I have tested with different resizes parameters (100, 400...), different extensions (jpg, gif), different original images sizes (all below Max. resize resolution: ~ 5461 x 4101), different target folders, different users (admin and others) and different modes (front-end and back-end).

Enable Resize: yes
Resize values: 10000,100,200,300,400,1024
Resize labels: Original,100,200,300,400,1024
Allowed file extensions: all

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PostPosted: 30. Nov 2008, 20:37 
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I have found one of my servers where I have the same problem.
I do resize the images before I move them to the original destination.

I'll have to check if I have to do this different for this kind of systems.

I'll let you know when I'm done with the tests.


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PostPosted: 30. Nov 2008, 22:50 
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Can you please redownload jfu 2.8.1 from this site.

Resize was only working when image magic was installed because I passed a session variable not properly.
I had on all my server image magick. Therefore I never ran into this problem.

Please provide feedback if it works then.


PostPosted: 30. Nov 2008, 22:59 

Joined: 30. Nov 2008, 14:05
Posts: 6
I have installed the Flash 10 into the client, but I do not know if it is necessary to install it into the server in order to access the resize methods of the libraries. I do not have installed Flash 10 (or any related library) into the server.
Where the resize process is computed: into the server (after upload) or into the client (before upload)?
Who does the resize?

Thank you

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PostPosted: 30. Nov 2008, 23:08 
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On the server.

The resize is done by php not flash.

The next major version of TFU/JFU will most likely support client side resize. But flash 10 has to get more popular first and I have to have some time to rewrite the flash from AS2 to AS3.


PostPosted: 30. Nov 2008, 23:27 

Joined: 30. Nov 2008, 14:05
Posts: 6
The last JFU installation showed: Image magick support is not available.
I have installed it again (jfu_281_J15) and the "Image magick support is not available" remains.

I will try to install "imagemagic" on the server from (
and later reinstall JFU 2.81. I hope the "Image magick support is not available" warning will disappear and the resize will work. I will do that on tuesday and then I will send a post with the result.

Thanks again

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PostPosted: 30. Nov 2008, 23:37 
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You don't need image magick.
The problem was that image magick was always used although it is not installed because of a variable that was not passed correctly.

Simply don't use image magick but gd-lib which should be installed by default .

Only use the version I uploaded today and retry.


 Post subject: Now it works!!!
PostPosted: 1. Dec 2008, 01:10 

Joined: 30. Nov 2008, 14:05
Posts: 6
Uploading, installing and configuring the new JFU component file it works perfect.

Very useful module! When the editors potentially are everybody on the Web it is important to join upload and resize (limiting the maximum size of the resize).

I believe there are two minor details it could be changed:

1. When the user uploads several files there exists a status message that seems to be wrong. Uploading 4 files of 1.1 Mbytes each, the status message is: Please use smaller files! The limit is 2.0 MB. 4 file(s) added.
It works fine: the upload and resize of the 4 files is correct, but the message can confuse the users.

2. Into the "Flash Uploader settings" tab, the "Resize values" setting is initialized with 100000 (for the original size), but the description says "... 10000 means no resize" (there is an additional 0 into the "Resize values" setting).

Thank you for your time

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PostPosted: 1. Dec 2008, 01:13 
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Do you have a php uplod limit of 2 MB?
i'll check the message.

And I make the other 2 values fit as well. It should be 10000.


PostPosted: 1. Dec 2008, 01:18 

Joined: 30. Nov 2008, 14:05
Posts: 6
Yes, I have a php upload limit of 2 MB, but I believe this is the limit size of each of the files to upload, not the limit size of the complete group of files to upload. In fact It works to upload 4 files of 1,1 Mbytes.

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PostPosted: 1. Dec 2008, 01:26 
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I just tested. You e.g. get this message if you select 5 files and one is bigger than 2 MB. Then the other 4 files are added.


 Post subject: You are right
PostPosted: 1. Dec 2008, 01:36 

Joined: 30. Nov 2008, 14:05
Posts: 6
I did not notice the "extra file" the JFU GUI correctly filtered

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