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PostPosted: 26. Dec 2008, 16:57 

Joined: 26. Dec 2008, 16:38
Posts: 2
When I access the component from the frontend, I can see the flash interface, but the status says "The upload is not enabled." This happens whether I am logged in or not. I have looked for an option to enable or disable uploads, but I haven't been able to locate anything. When the flash loads, sometimes I get a glimpse of all the options, and then they disappear and all I can see is the Remote view and the Options button. These are my config settings:

Upload folder: images/uploads - The folder does exist and is writeable.
Master profile: NO
Max file size in KB: 3000
Enable Resize: NO
Allowed file extensions: BLANK
Forbidden file extensions: BLANK
Hide remote view: NO
Show delete button: YES
Enable folder browsing: YES
Enable folder creation: YES
Enable folder deletion: NO
Enable folder rename: NO
Enable file rename: NO
Keep file extension: YES
Sort files by date: NO
Warning settings: ALL
Show size: NO
Hide directory in title: YES
To e-mail address: SET
From e-mail address: SET
Language selector: BLANK
Use image magick: NO
Exclude directories: data.pxp,_vti_cnf,.svn,CVS,thumbs
Normalize Filenames: YES

JFU version:
Joomla! version: 1.5.8

Any suggestions on how I can enable uploads?


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PostPosted: 26. Dec 2008, 21:19 
Site Admin
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Joined: 1. Aug 2005, 12:53
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Allowed file extensions: BLANK


Allowed file extensions: all

you don't have any allowed extensions and therefore upload is disabled.

- Michael

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PostPosted: 7. Jan 2009, 21:50 

Joined: 26. Dec 2008, 16:38
Posts: 2
I made the recommended change and added 'all' to the allowed file extensions, but I still get the same message.

I get a glimpse of the full interface, and 'Status: Loading tfu_upload.php', and then it hides the upload interface and just shows the main interface with the Remote view and 'The upload is not enabled. The remote directory is shown.'

I can use the Options button to add and delete sub-folders within my chosen uploads directory, but I do not have the option to upload files.

Any suggestions?



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PostPosted: 8. Jan 2009, 10:12 
Site Admin
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Joined: 1. Aug 2005, 12:53
Posts: 11232
You are sure you have added all at the right profile? You can select that the tables are removed in the config when you uninstall.
then you can uninstall. Install again an then you should have a setup with proper settings.

- Michael

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