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Get help for TinyWebGallery, the best image gallery. The forum is also home for the Joomla JFUploader, TWG Flash Uploader and the Wordpress flash uploader.
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PostPosted: 11. Jan 2009, 21:39 

Joined: 11. Jan 2009, 21:34
Posts: 1

I'm new to this, and looking for a better upload solution then the default one. This uploader looks so fare great, and I will upgrade to pro it this works:

Can the uploader replase the default uplodader in the joomla default (or othere) editor?

Klaus A.

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PostPosted: 11. Jan 2009, 22:37 
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Joined: 1. Aug 2005, 12:53
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It depends how you define this.

It does not "replace" the core uploader or an uploader in the editor. The change/integration would have to be done for each editor.

You can use JFU as component or plugin and integrate it into any page. The big advantage is that you can offer it to users in the front and backend and you have the full control what each user can do.

You can use it as full replacement for the media manager but with much more options and you have much more control what each user can do.

Simply play around what you can do. You see all possible options you can set in the backend.

- Michael

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