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 Post subject: FTP?
PostPosted: 11. Dec 2008, 09:06 

Joined: 11. Dec 2008, 08:39
Posts: 4
Would it be possible for the Flash client to use an FTP connection (configurable in the admin area) instead of an H T T P connection to make the file transfer to the server? The reason I ask is because many hosts limit PHP file upload sizes and connection times, which really restricts what can be done with JFU in its current form.


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PostPosted: 11. Dec 2008, 09:21 
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Flash only supports http uploads (an ftp layer wouldn't help either). I'm currently rewriting the whole Flash to Actionscript 3 (it is written in Actionscript2 and AS2 and AS3 are not compatible) and with Flash 10 I hopefully are possible to get around this problem by uploading chunks. I already made some tests which are very promising.
But I still get around 1000 error messages for stuff that is made different in AS3. And some components don't exist anymore and have therefore completely replaced... And xmas is soon = very little time.

Subscribe to the rss feed to get informed when e.g. a beta for this is available.


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PostPosted: 11. Dec 2008, 09:42 

Joined: 11. Dec 2008, 08:39
Posts: 4
Thanks for the Reply Michael. Good to see you're already devising a solution to this problem! I'd be interested in testing out a beta, if you need the test data.

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PostPosted: 11. Dec 2008, 10:36 
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I'll make a news entry in the rss feed when something is available.
But I cannot tell anything about time because each time I migrate something to as3 I get to a point right now where I have to rewrite everything after that. Especially the menu and the tree component which are not available anymore and the different server communication are still to solve.
I think I'm really happy when I get everything compiled the first time. And then the real work begins ;).


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PostPosted: 22. Jan 2009, 18:27 

Joined: 11. Dec 2008, 08:39
Posts: 4
Hi Michael,

I'm just wondering if you've made any progress on uploading in chunks?

Also, I have one question. Currently, the JFU front end references files in the administrator section. It seems to me that access to the administration folders should be limited to authenticated users. Maybe this is a basic security hole in Joomla, but it's exposed by JFU. Makes me a little nervous what someone with bad intentions might try to do.

Can the references be reversed so that the flash actually resides in the front end folders, or does that present you with other challenges?

Thanks for your time.

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PostPosted: 22. Jan 2009, 18:38 
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I have to migrate the whole Flash to AS3 = rewrite it. Almost everthing that is a little bit complicated has changed. Therefore there this will not be available soon. I'm currently implementing reading the directory listing and implementing the new DataGridrenderer because unfortunately the old one is not working anymore and there is exactly NO working example in the net what I need.

About what is displayed: YOU define the directories which can be seen in JFU. if you don't like certain directories to be seen you have to add them to the "Exclude directories" settings.

And why would you show the main folder of Joomla in JFU in the frontend to everyone? YOU define the "root" folder of JFU ;).

- Michael

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PostPosted: 22. Jan 2009, 22:26 

Joined: 11. Dec 2008, 08:39
Posts: 4
Well that's good to know even if it's bad news. I'll keep checking in from time to time as this is a great application and I really want to use it, but I really need chunk uploads or equivalent for my shared hosting account, which limits upload file sizes and script execution times. :(

About the directory locations, I think you misunderstood what I was saying. I wasn't referring to the upload directories but rather the installation directories. Go to JFU on the front end and look at the page source. The flash being referenced is in the admin component directory. It's surprising to me that the flash even loads, but Joomla apparently doesn't require authentication for direct access to any of the admin directories. This may or may not pose a security problem, but I think it's probably not a good idea to reveal/provide access to the admin directory to any passing user. No sense inviting harm, if you know what I mean.

IMHO, unauthenticated users really out to be redirected to the login page on direct admin access attempts, but I was more curious about your rationale for putting the JFU flash in the admin components directory vs in the public components directory. Wouldn't it be more appropriate in the public area?


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PostPosted: 22. Jan 2009, 22:54 
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The good news are that I try to solve the hard things first. One this is done it will go much faster. Especially the custom cell renderer, the menu and the tree are the big open things ;).

About where to place the flash. It actually does not matter because the flash itself is secured and the php files of TFU as well.
All files in the administration directory should normally be called through index.php which does the authentification.

This is actually not done with JFU because TFU is only wrapped by JFU. The whole tfu is in the administration area but this actually does not matter at all. You could have this folder anywhere ;). But people feel much more confident to have this in the backend because it "feels" safer ;). But it always depends on the programmer of the component ....

- Michael

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