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PostPosted: 4. Sep 2007, 15:29 

Joined: 4. Sep 2007, 15:11
Posts: 3
Hi there,
I've installed this great component. I particullary appreciate the way you can assign a folder to a specific user (or group of users). This is awfull, thanks a lot.
So, in the user menu I did a link to the component and in the parameter area I had had to specify to wich "jfu's profile Id" this link refer.
This is in my case inappropriate. I do not want to create as many links as my webste's users ...
I did had a look at components/com_joomla_flash_uploader/joomla_flash_uploader.php.
It seems thaht in that part of the code:
// Parameters
$menu = new mosMenu( $database );
$menu->load( $Itemid );
$params = new mosParameters( $menu->params );
$id  = $params->get( 'tfu_id' );
$sel_id = $params->get( 'tfu_sel_id' );
the component retrieve the right configuration profile Id.

My questions:
I want to modify the code above with a little sql query that will retrieve the right profile Id depending on the logged user. Wich one of these two parameters $sel_id and $id in the right one ?
I've read that I can use a so called .htusers.php file. Maybe this could be a simplier way to achieve my task but I didn't find more informations on how to use that ...

Thank you for help and regards from France.

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PostPosted: 4. Sep 2007, 17:41 
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Joined: 1. Aug 2005, 12:53
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I think you should read the help again ;).

you can use profile id's OR group id's

with the group id you can make one menu link and then assign as many profiles to it as you like. to every profile you can assign one or many users (one profile should be default).

Then depending on the user that is logged in you get a different profile.

I think this is exactly what you want to code ;).


 Post subject:
PostPosted: 4. Sep 2007, 18:27 

Joined: 4. Sep 2007, 15:11
Posts: 3
Hi Michael,

thank you for reply ...
Ok, I will have a look further and will make some more tests.

I'll keep you in touch, in case of ...

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PostPosted: 4. Sep 2007, 18:57 
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Joined: 1. Aug 2005, 12:53
Posts: 11232
;). try

 Post subject:
PostPosted: 5. Sep 2007, 00:12 

Joined: 4. Sep 2007, 15:11
Posts: 3
well done !!
Thanks a lot it works great :P

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