Dear Understanding Michael
My needs are simple.... I want everything....
I just purchased the "Source code + Enterprise Edition" Joomla 1.5.14 and the install went fine. Trying to figure out how to setup my environment.
I have users that need to upload documents to their personal clients. And clients only need to see (download) their files.
I have made 3 group id's
Group ID = upload : Profile Name = staff
Group ID = download : Profile Name = clients
Group ID = nofiles : Profile Name No access
I have set the correct group Id in the "Menu Item Manager" I used Mode "Group ID" and the " Id (mandatory)" I used the name of the group
When I login as the "staff" I can upload to the correct "client" folder, but if I login as the "client" I don't see any files to download.
And if I login as a "client" I cant seem to be able to remove the option of "add files" I dont want the option of clients to add or delete files. For that matter is there a way to remove the "Upload Queue" ?
Also how can I either remove this MSG
"You have not specified a valid profile or group id in the parameters at the menu item you created for JFU or for your plugin. For the menu item you have to do this on the right side where basic parameters can be entered. Please enter a valid id there. For more information click on the 'Help' button of JFU and read 'How to use the Joomla Flash Uploader in the front end'. If you use a group id please make sure that you have a default profile in this group."
Or re-write it?
and yes I read the docs as best as I can
Thanks...... way in advance