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PostPosted: 12. Oct 2009, 18:41 

Joined: 12. Oct 2009, 18:25
Posts: 16

I have searched the forum, but didn't found a answer there.
My JFU profile says, that Image Magick is not installed.
The provider from my webspace told me the path to convert, but when I'm uploading a picture, the destination file size is still the old one.
I'm using a master profile, the upload generally works fine, I get a e-mail for successful uploading, but the converting will not work.
The webprovider has also taken a look into the Joomla configuration...

I'm using the following sizes:

Here are the Infos from JFU:
PHP Upload Limit (in KB): 8192
PHP Speicher Limit (in KB): 65536
Maximale Auflösung: ~ 3861 x 2899
PHP 'max input time': 60 s
PHP 'max execution time': 15 s
'Default socket timeout': 60 s

JFU version 2.10.1
Joomla 1.5.14

Do I need to chmod the file to a "7" one? now it's 644?!?
What could be the issue?

Kind Regards,

Carsten Remien

 Post subject:
PostPosted: 12. Oct 2009, 19:16 
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have you added the path to the profile and the check is successful? Because you have to tell JFU where the convert command is.

Are you sure about your resize settings?
because your 50% = 5000 means that you image will be resized if it larger than 5000 thit it will be resized to 5000x5000 max.

Does resize work with gd-lib?

- Michael

 Post subject:
PostPosted: 12. Oct 2009, 19:25 

Joined: 12. Oct 2009, 18:25
Posts: 16

the path is added, but I still get a red "x" with the text:
"Image Magick Unterstützung ist nicht verfügbar. Überprüfen Sie den nächsten Parameter!"
From the provider I get this value: /home/www/empty/convert
How can I check it for myself?

Regarding the resize settings:
Sorry, it looks that I have not understand the values.
The help text says, with a value of 10000 there is no change:
"Die Größen des Größenanpassungs-Dropdowns. Jede Zahl spezifiziert das Ausmaß der Bildverkleinerungeines Bildes. 10000 bedeutet KEINE Vergrößerung. Werte werden getrennt mit einem ','."

For me, when 10000 is 100%, 5000 is 50%.
Does the values mean the pixel width?



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PostPosted: 12. Oct 2009, 20:32 

Joined: 12. Oct 2009, 18:25
Posts: 16

it works now with gd_lib.
But Imaqe Magick is still not found in the profile view.

I have changed the size values to 10000, 1024, 800 and 600.
With such settings, the minimizing will work.

But how can I find the reason for the image magick problem?



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PostPosted: 12. Oct 2009, 21:48 
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how do you enter the image magick command? Because the test is using the current path and tries to resize a file.

- Michael

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PostPosted: 13. Oct 2009, 10:12 

Joined: 12. Oct 2009, 18:25
Posts: 16

I (and the provider) have tried it with:

For the first two entries, I can say, that gd_lib will not work.
gd_lib works only with the last one. But Image Magick is not reachable for the JFU profile.

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PostPosted: 13. Oct 2009, 10:14 
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only the last one makes sense because JFU needs to know which command to use. The other 2 ones are only the path without command.

if you turn on Image magic - do you get any messages in the tfu log file?

- Michael

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PostPosted: 13. Oct 2009, 11:18 

Joined: 12. Oct 2009, 18:25
Posts: 16
I didn't see any log entry in the tfu.log file.
I have just upgraded to JFU 2.10.2, after upgrading, the tfu.log was auto deleted.
Then I have uploaded again a file with activated Image Magick, but the file will not be modified.
Does the provider see any log for a missing command call?

And is the file permission 644 enough for Image Magick?

- Carsten

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PostPosted: 13. Oct 2009, 11:25 
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depends on the system.

I can add an additional log file entry for your case. Then you would have to reinstall JFU and activate the upload debugging ...

- Michael

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PostPosted: 13. Oct 2009, 11:28 

Joined: 12. Oct 2009, 18:25
Posts: 16
thank, great idea

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PostPosted: 13. Oct 2009, 12:23 
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I'll add this till tomorrow. I'll make a post when the update is done.

I'm just wondering why gd lib should only wor if you have the right settings for image magick - because if not acticated JFU does not care about the convert command...

- Michael

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PostPosted: 13. Oct 2009, 19:27 
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reinstall JFU, edit tfu_config.php manually and set $enable_upload_debug=true.

Then you get a lot of upload info and some info about the resize as well.

- Michael

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PostPosted: 15. Oct 2009, 16:34 

Joined: 12. Oct 2009, 18:25
Posts: 16

did you mean this logfiles?:

10.15.2009 16:28:55 - 1. Config loaded

10.15.2009 16:28:55 - 2. Authenification sucessfull

10.15.2009 16:28:55 - 3. Directory read: ./../../../../images/stories/bilder-upload/carsten

10.15.2009 16:28:55 - 4. Check valid extension: 31052009014.jpg

10.15.2009 16:28:55 - 4a. Extension valid.

10.15.2009 16:28:55 - 5. Before move_uploaded_file : /home/www/web508/phptmp/phpzrSzQs -> ./../../../../images/stories/bilder-upload/carsten/31052009014.jpg

10.15.2009 16:28:55 - 5a. after move_uploaded_file.

10.15.2009 16:28:55 - 6. Uploaded.

10.15.2009 16:28:55 - 7. Internal preprocessing done.

10.15.2009 16:28:55 - 9. End upload

10.15.2009 16:28:55 - 10. End store session

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PostPosted: 15. Oct 2009, 18:06 
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yes - but you have to resize a file to get additional output...

- Michael

 Post subject:
PostPosted: 15. Oct 2009, 19:10 

Joined: 12. Oct 2009, 18:25
Posts: 16
already done, the picture was >2000 pixel in the width and the settings was 600*450....?!?

I will do tomorrow a debug with gd_lib

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