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PostPosted: 17. May 2010, 21:17 

Joined: 17. May 2010, 19:10
Posts: 7

I can upload pdf files.
I can see them on the left site on the server side.

I need to click on a pdf file and make the browser open a new window where the pdf is open by the browser full screen. So it will allow me to zoom it, next page... basic features tha the browsers have to open pdf files.

When I click on the file it will open in the same way that when we open pdf link in the browser.

Does anybody know if it can be done?
Maybe by making a JavaScript call?
I tried to preview the pdf but it opens in a xml format.

Let me know if it is possible or I would need a different web tool (component) for Joomla to achieve this task.

Now I have the Standard Edition License - 15 EUR
Maybe if I upgrade to Professional... any suggestion is welcome.

Thank you for your time.

 Post subject:
PostPosted: 18. May 2010, 00:53 
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you can create a direct link to the file with javascript below the flash. Check the registered demo how to do this.

- Michael

 Post subject: I do not see it
PostPosted: 18. May 2010, 14:46 

Joined: 17. May 2010, 19:10
Posts: 7
I looked the registered demo in this page:

but I do not see any instructions.

Could you be more specific?

I am using Joomla Flash Uploader. I have it already installed and working under the domain. I am using Professional version.

Everything is working.

I still do not find what I need to open a PDF file from the server side.

Is there a javescript that maybe I need so the Status bar below the flash can trigger to open the pdf full screen or in a new window or tab in the browser?

Thank you

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PostPosted: 18. May 2010, 15:01 
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just above the flash is a download link. There I trigger with javascript that different links are shown. This you can extend the way you like.

In JFU you can put the extra javascript code in the text filed of the configuration which is shown below the flash.

- Michael

 Post subject: I see what you mean
PostPosted: 18. May 2010, 18:04 

Joined: 17. May 2010, 19:10
Posts: 7
I just do not know how to do it.

Now this part may help out:

Preview images and pdf's from the remote folder + Fullscreen view. Flash player > 9.0.28 is needed for full screen mode.

This is from "Registered Flash Uploader settings":

Entering a parameter enables that the Javascript function previewSelect(param,id) is called by the flash after selecting an item on the left listing. param is the parameter you specify in the text field. id the number of the element you have selected in the list (starting with 0). If you e.g. enter 'preview.php' you get this parameter in the previewSelect function and you can e.g. call the preview.php on the server that returns a download link to this element and you display this link then with Javascript in an iframe below the flash. Check the help for an example!.

Where is the example? Can you show me more information about this?

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PostPosted: 18. May 2010, 19:23 
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the preview of images and pdf's is NOT downloading it. for the pdf a image is created which is returned.

The help is the help button in the right upper corner of JFU. The i have a small example how to use javascript callbacks.

And the TFU download shows a full working standalone example. Just try to understand how this works - then you know how to transfer this to JFU.

- Michael

 Post subject: java script examples
PostPosted: 19. May 2010, 15:34 

Joined: 17. May 2010, 19:10
Posts: 7
This is what I see from the upper right help inside the JFU:


The forum of the TinyWebGallery has a special section for the Joomla Flash Uploader. Please click here to get some help there if your problem is not covered in the help. Direct Access to this location is not allowed.
The link goes here:

I did not see information about java script here.

Could you copy and paste the examples you have?, so I can see them.

Thank you :)

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PostPosted: 19. May 2010, 15:39 
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I already told you where to get the working example.

The direct link on this page is

Here you find the howto use Javascript events:

And If I talk about JFU I mean the help button inside the component which links to the page above.

- Michael

 Post subject: This is the HTML code
PostPosted: 19. May 2010, 16:06 

Joined: 17. May 2010, 19:10
Posts: 7
Here you can see what I am trying to do.


This is an example in HTML with java script that opens a new window.
where '' would be the full url of the pdf file that I have clicked on the server side and is passed to the HTML code, wich is executed by the java script.

This can be copied and pasted to test it.

<html xmlns="">
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
<title>Testing Flash HTML</title>

<script type="text/javascript">
function newWindow(url) {,"Window JavaScript", '', 'resizable,scrollbars');

return false;

<a href="#" onclick="return newWindow('')">See PDF File I select from the left side - server</a>


I am missing information to implement it.

I guess this can be implemented in many ways.

1) Getting the Staus full url to be a hyperlink where I click and open a new window in the browser (if this can be easily done it would be great)

2) Send the Status var to the HTML code and use it instead

I am using JFU component.

Could you help me to implement it?

Thank you.

 Post subject:
PostPosted: 19. May 2010, 17:21 
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you can display the full url of a file in the flash if you like. It's just not a clickable link.

- Michael

 Post subject: suggestions
PostPosted: 19. May 2010, 19:37 

Joined: 17. May 2010, 19:10
Posts: 7
Yes, we can see the full address. is it possible to make it clickable?how?

What is the name of the variable status?

Can I use that variable and call it like you did with the example in the videotutorial?

I maybe use a javascript with on click event that take status as argument and open a new window.

You are using probably xml to translate the flash to different languages.
I can remove the begining from the xml translation so it only reads http://www.

Do you have any suggestion?

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PostPosted: 20. May 2010, 07:38 
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Posts: 11232
you would have to modify the flash sources to make it clickable.

about status.php. Have you not tried my working standalone example? there a javascript event is fired which loads status.php into an iframe whic displays the link.

- Michael

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