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PostPosted: 13. Oct 2010, 21:51 

Joined: 28. Sep 2010, 17:12
Posts: 15
Hi I have jfu working fine upto a point but maybe what I want isnt in your programs capabilities great as it is .. let me say here that i had intended to buy the registered version if it will do what I want .
basically I want people to have master profiles, that is their own upload folders so they can upload their designs etc. I did this initially and it worked fine.
However, some of the uploaders will not want to share their designs with others, and as such will want to keep these private. So I created a group for the private users. However I find the ones in the private 'group' as it were upoad to a general area of the upload directory instead of their own folders or to a seperate 'Private' folder.
Id also like the folders to be 'invisible' or protected if posible from the rest of the users. Is this possible and if so how do I do it please??
many thanks

PostPosted: 13. Oct 2010, 23:16 
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Joined: 1. Aug 2005, 12:53
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I don't know your setup but if you use master profiles user cannot access files from any other user.
And if you use groups properly you e.g can create a master profiles with different settings as well.

What is your setup that other users see files from each other?

Your setup seems pretty simple if I understand it right.

- Michael

PostPosted: 14. Oct 2010, 09:35 

Joined: 28. Sep 2010, 17:12
Posts: 15
TinyWebGallery wrote:
I don't know your setup but if you use master profiles user cannot access files from any other user.
And if you use groups properly you e.g can create a master profiles with different settings as well.

What is your setup that other users see files from each other?

Your setup seems pretty simple if I understand it right.

- Michael

yes Ive stuck to the basics till I can get it all working, users have to login to use the uploader. So standard joomla log in, when i just used the master profile it worked fine creating each user its own folder etc. Now if I log in as one of the special users it doesnt create any folder and takes me to the general upload folder. If i log in as one of the other users I get taken to the subjects name folder as it should.
All Ive done is follow your video to the letter, which were a great help I have to say. If you'd like to login to see whats happening i can supply you with admin details if you have a private email address.
once again many thanks

PostPosted: 14. Oct 2010, 09:56 
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Posts: 11232
what do you mean with special users? The private ones?

Why do you make a difference to the normal one? Because if everyone has its subfolders only they can't see each other anyway...

- Michael

PostPosted: 14. Oct 2010, 10:55 

Joined: 28. Sep 2010, 17:12
Posts: 15
TinyWebGallery wrote:
what do you mean with special users? The private ones?

Why do you make a difference to the normal one? Because if everyone has its subfolders only they can't see each other anyway...

- Michael

yes my friend wanted a section that allows people to upload into a different folder that no one else can view. The others (what we'd call public ) she wants to use in a slideshow on the front of the website. I thought it might be easier if all the 'non private' designs were in one folder. Is the new group I created supposted to create its own folders like the master profile ?? because at the moment it isnt doing that. Also it gives me views and access to the other folders, which I dont want.

PostPosted: 14. Oct 2010, 11:36 
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Joined: 1. Aug 2005, 12:53
Posts: 11232
Then simply create 2 master profiles and put them together in one group.

For die pupblic one use a main folder that links into the gallery. For the private ones use a different folder that is not shown in the gallery. Only assign the private users to the private master profile and leave the other profile without users. Then all no assigned users get this profile.

- Michael

PostPosted: 14. Oct 2010, 11:48 

Joined: 28. Sep 2010, 17:12
Posts: 15
TinyWebGallery wrote:
Then simply create 2 master profiles and put them together in one group.

For die pupblic one use a main folder that links into the gallery. For the private ones use a different folder that is not shown in the gallery. Only assign the private users to the private master profile and leave the other profile without users. Then all no assigned users get this profile.

- Michael

ok Michael many thanks for that .. I'll check thats ok with my friend and if it is send a little cash your way by means of a registration .. :)
once again many thanks for your time ..

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