Joomla 1.5.22 JFU version 2.16 - i am using the plugin version. Linux webserver
I have some problem with JFUploader. I want to exclude some files from showing on the server side : these are thumb_*.* files, generated by the HighSlide image extension ... To do this, in "JFUploader Configuration / Flash uploader settings" i find your section "Forbidden file view filter", but it doesn't work ... Its explanation text says i should set $allowed_view_file_extensions = 'all' , which i did (just above i see the field "Allowed file extensions" and there i filled 'all' --without the quotes--, i guess that's what's meant), but when i fill in 'thumb_*.*' (without the quotes) in this section "Forbidden file view filter", i still see the thumb files ...
Is it a bug? What do i do wrong?
Notes : - the same problem appears in v2.13 - there is also a section "Exclude directories and files", but here i can not use wildcards ..!?