My experience with SEBLOD CCK 3 (latest version) and the team: _I installed this CCK for try... _I have used it for one month and had a lot of instabilities: form articles who freeze and delete at the moment of write an article (need to go back on the form and do again... and again... and again... VERY HEAVY and SLOW) _Then after try to find why do that, i decide that i no need this extention for my site and that i loose to much time for nothing more in reality. _So... i decide to uninstall it... and have problem to do it by manager extention. _After, i see that every where in the contents, Seblod let lot of codes that i had no other choice than delete by hand in each articles one by one !!!! _After that, all CCK plugins has not removed in the plugin list.... so _I post a question on the forum of CCK (because, like you can observe by yourself, THERE IS NO ANSWER OF: HOW TO DELETE SEBLOD CCK 3 !!! on there site) for have an idea how to do it properly... _And then, one week after, someone answer that i no paid for have this extention... and that i am stupid (yes... like that !)... _After, i observe that a long long echange with this people (Seb) for nothing more than know that he is the best one all over the world, him understand every think more than all each of you guys... and you are ALL stupid (but wich no paid monnaie for SEBLOD CCK.... MUCH MORE). And sure... him never make the demonstration of HOW TO DELETE SEBLOD CCK WITHOUT LOOSE THE JOOMLA SYSTEM. _After know all that Seblod team think about themself and people who no paid for install there plugins and what about there communication looks like... and how helpfull good guys they are... _I decide to try delete all the CCK part inside the DB... _I loose joomla system (some white pages...) directly. _I read some forums... and see that Seblod Team think that there code is the best one all over the world, it can not do someting wrong (so... THE SEBLOD CHANGE OUR CONTENT AND OTHER CODES.... very instrusive way of practice...), because sure: they are the best. Impossible for them to accept a critic or answer a question at someone who not paid (like mafias organizations of thinking.... you can have it, but after this go everyway, and sure, you need to paid for take it out or you are so stupid!!!! LIKE THAT !! ).
SO... now i know that use SEBLOD is a bad way. I know that this unstabilize all the Joomla code and hard to remove back. I know that talk with SEBLOD team is impossible and they delete me to there forum (like my question) and send an alert with my email to site of spam list publier (yes... they permit to do it...).