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Trying to pass variables to the website within the iframe
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Author:  iedwebmasters [ 23. Dec 2014, 23:01 ]
Post subject:  Trying to pass variables to the website within the iframe

Hi Michael,

My apologies for double posting in the comments but I didn't see my original post anymore. I just found this forum which is probably a better place to ask questions.

I have several variables being passed in to my WordPress site via $_POST. I have used hidden input fields to store them for passing forward and have kept the original variable names. Plus, all of the values are URL ready - changing a space to %20 and so on.

I have set the URL Forwarding Parameter to ALL and also to a list of the variable names (separated by commas). It does not appear to be forwarding the parameters into the iframe OR the web page in the iframe does not seem to receive them. In the target web page, I have written php code to echo the variables to the screen.

I know I am doing something wrong but I just don’t know what that could be. Hopefully it is a simple change in a setting.

BTW, I have the Pro version.


Author:  TinyWebGallery [ 24. Dec 2014, 13:38 ]
Post subject:  Re: Trying to pass variables to the website within the ifram


This is the answer I posted:

url parameters are GET parameter not POST. Reading them would not a big problem but you cannot pass them along as POST.
So you would have to extend the plugin to read post parameters if you are o.k. that you pass them to the iframe as get parameter.

And yes. The forum is the best palace. I will disable comments in the blog next week as the same questions are asked again and again but on different pages...

Best, Michael

Author:  iedwebmasters [ 29. Dec 2014, 17:47 ]
Post subject:  Re: Trying to pass variables to the website within the ifram

Thanks Michael,

I have changed my code to print out the $_GET Parameters being passed into the web page in the iframe. Still, nothing seems to be passing through. I have set the URL forward parameters to ALL.

Not really sure what I am doing wrong.

I guess my next question would be - if I have the URL forward parameters set to ALL, what parameters is your plugin looking for when I set it to ALL plus how do I create those parameters and set those parameters with the correct values??? Right now I am using hidden input values.


Author:  TinyWebGallery [ 29. Dec 2014, 22:49 ]
Post subject:  Re: Trying to pass variables to the website within the ifram


I do extract the url parameters from the url of the request.
I don't use the $_GET variable but the query string directly.

How does the url look like where you include the iframe to. Are the parameters in the url.
You can also specify them directly in this field.

If you set it to ALL I get the whole query string and add all parameters to the iframe as query parameters.
Do you have an example?

Best, Michael

Author:  iedwebmasters [ 29. Dec 2014, 23:13 ]
Post subject:  Re: Trying to pass variables to the website within the ifram

Ahhh...I understand.

You are forwarding the URL parameters being passed into the parent page into the child iframe page.

That where my mind is disconnecting. All I have to work with are $_POST parameters coming into the parent page. I have to some how make the page think that they also come in with the URL - might need to "tickle" the DOM a bit.

We'll see what dark PHP path this will take me.



Author:  TinyWebGallery [ 29. Dec 2014, 23:20 ]
Post subject:  Re: Trying to pass variables to the website within the ifram

I think it is maybe easier to simply extend the plugin to read GET and POST parameters also.
I have put this on my feature list but this list is long ;).

Best, Michael

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