What do you mean with: Can you please answer my question: Are you able to use the external workaround to modify css dynamically?
The link http://promotionalcontent.promidata.com/dutch7393/zoeken.asp?index=&cat_Search=Aanstekers&text_Hidden=&text_Voorraad=&boxcolor=BAD80A&sc=n&pId=984&bgtxtcolor=666666&emaildealer=info%40korverintertrade.nl&nrflnsts=5&backcolor=FFFFFF&fId=1&sp=n&mustreset=yes&price_Search=&naamdealer=Korver+Intertrade&text_Search= We cannot change the css of it.
We can only add this link into an iframe of our wordpress installation www.testhethier.nl. On www.testhethier.nl our wp-installation we can control everything (html, css, themes, extensions), but we cannot change something on the site in the iframe.
Best regards, Tim