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PostPosted: 29. Jun 2010, 11:22 

Joined: 1. Oct 2008, 17:22
Posts: 23
Location: Switzerland
It is some time now i bought the full package (enterp.-lic).
50 bucks for a software is more than i normally are willing to pay. But i thought: "Hey! With this i dont have to worry on how many test-pages i use it and what is 50$ bucks compared to a lifetime of headache?"

You know what? i NEVER regretted this move.
The support from Michael is... How to put this right? ... outstanding!
I often see a developer build something, set up a forum, work till enough people are populating the boards and then let it sustain itself without further input from the dev.

I only use TWG without the other quirks and addons like uploader and stuff, but it made my life much more easy!
We use TWG now for our gallery in the intranet (Sorry, not reachable from the public) and were able to ditch another SW which hit us with 180 swiss francs (Around 150$). This other SW wasnt capable of doing what TWG does with a breeze for 1/3 of the price!
Heck, thats what i call "Stuff for your money!" :D

Sure, there are free galerys out there... But i used a lot of them i i still stick with TWG.
Why? TWG just works the way i want and need it to.


Owner of an enterprise-licence... and stating: It is worth every penny!

 Post subject:
PostPosted: 14. Jul 2010, 22:13 
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Joined: 1. Aug 2005, 12:53
Posts: 11232
Thanks :).

Just wanted to note that the non registered version has almost the same features. But the more users do register the more time I can spend enhancing everything.

- Michael

PostPosted: 1. Nov 2010, 20:49 

Joined: 29. Oct 2010, 21:32
Posts: 27
I just wanted to add my voice: I think this software is brilliant.

So far, the support has been just amazing, too - post question, Michael answers quickly with helpful response, I follow up, Michael responds again, problem gets solved. Sounds simple, and it is, but how much software actually has support like this? In my experience it's very, very rare.

And the price is right too - stepped up according to the features you want, with free version available, and all paid versions very reasonably priced. I was happy to fork over my 30 euros for the Pro edition.

As for the software itself, I spent a long time looking for a good gallery application. After a lot of looking, I eventually settled with Gallery3 (I didn't know about TWG at this point). I spent a lot of time setting up Gallery3 and customizing it for my needs, but was never happy with it (though it seems there is a good and devoted community around it). I found it overly clunky, not really customizable in terms of the way I wanted my site to look, and very slow on my system, with what seemed to me unnecessary overheard with SQL, etc. The fact that it's free is really neither here nor there for me - I'm happy to pay a reasonable price for a good software and would have happily paid an equivalent amount for Gallery3 if it had served my needs.

I was very happy to then find TWG (with NO database - please keep it that way Michael, so much simpler to maintain and faster too) and despite all the hours invested in Gallery3 I ditched it and haven't looked back since.

Excellent stuff.

 Post subject: Re:
PostPosted: 10. Apr 2011, 07:45 

Joined: 10. Apr 2011, 07:39
Posts: 2
TinyWebGallery wrote:
Thanks :).

Just wanted to note that the non registered version has almost the same features. But the more users do register the more time I can spend enhancing everything.

- Michael

I am also a happy user of TWG. It is the best one of its kind, as far as I know. :D

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