Hi Michael, I’ve been used TWG for a long time and I like it. (I currently on using TWG 1.8.9)
Now I have a question for about when I login to TWG admin console every time I click on the TWG configuration session to look around my current settings, it always to help me to look in to my pictures folder and see whether have new photos need to create cache image.
It is a good approach that to let user to know the total no. of images can be cached, but on the other hands it will reserve a lot of CPU time during the process. If you have 500 pcs of photos, it shouldn’t be a problem but if you have ten thousand of photos or even more in pictures folder, the situation is different and user must have to wait for long (maybe spends 5mins or more) to get response and control on admin console.
My point is can we have an option to disable the photo cache estimation process? Alternatively, can user to choose it by two button. The first button is to estimate how many new photos can be cached, the second button is generate cache. This is a prefect thing to handle it.
Hope you can address on it.
Thank you for your attention and consideration.
Regards, Vincent