Hello there.
My boss has requested I look into using your product, and I've been reading your documentation online, as is my habit.
I've noticed a few grammatical mistakes that take away from the professionalism of your site, so I thought I'd help a fellow programmer out and point them out to you:
On the Configuration page, I've only noticed two errors so far:
From the "Configuration with the config.php" section wrote:
The remaining configurations can be done in the config.php. Copy the one you want to change to my_config.php or to the extended tab in the TWG Admin. Most of the settings don't have to be changed - but fell free to adapt the gallery to your needs
It should say feel, not fell.
From "New parameters in 1.7" wrote:
The parameters are all pretty much self explaining.
Changing this to "The parameters are all pretty much self-explanatory" or "The parameters all pretty much explain themselves." would make more sense.
Nice site, looks clean, just a bit of nit-picking from my end. Thought I'd tell you in case someone else noticed this and decided against using it. Keep up the good work!